Digitakt modified with internal battery

Thx for the reply. What was the estimated time on your timer eventually? and how easy was the installation? is it a snug fit with this setup?

4 hours, but something weird might have happened with the memory. I’ll check it today.


Nothing weird happened, it works great :blush:

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LOVE THIS… I shudder at the thought of modifying my own / getting the soldering iron out… is there anywhere that does these mods professionally? Mk2 Octatrack ideally, tho Digitakt would be cool. I’m near Bristol, UK.

So i did the mod today but it didnt work… Now my digitone wont turn on again even with the normal power brick i removed battery pack. What point should i look for first? im afraid i just fried my digitone here :confused:

don’t panic yet you might just have a dodgy solder point somewhere and power isn’t getting to it. Not gonna chime in with advice cause I haven’t done the mod (yet) but it’s not broken till you’re certain. Hope someone can help you quickly

Thats what im also thinking of. I think the solder on the power input marked K1 isnt good anymore but i want to know for certain first.

If you have a multimeter, check your power brick first.

As an added note, my digitakt with battery power won’t power up at all until the battery is at least a lil charged. Like 10 min of charging.

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Hi everyone!
I need your help. I bought this battery https://www.amazon.com/-/es/TalentCell-portátil-Batería-salida-recargable/dp/B00ME3ZH7C/ref=sr_1_1_mod_primary_new?__mk_es_US=ÅMÅŽÕÑ&keywords=talentcell&qid=1639446957&sbo=RZvfv%2F%2FHxDF%2BO5021pAnSA%3D%3D&sr=8-1, and after I follow the procedure, soldering the red cable to the DC input and the Black one to the switch it didn’t work. I removed the battery and the soldered point and know my Digitakt won’t turn one. Did I did something wrong? It seemed pretty easy to do for me but know and really worry, thank you in advance.

Did you charge it for at least 10 minutes before turning on? I think you’ll need to provide pictures and more information if you want help

Hey @Aksdnt thanks for replying. Should it turn on with the PSU connected though?

Yea after charging for a bit

Joined to send a big thanks to all the knowledgeable posts above! I was able to do the mod and it’s awesome to quickly grab my Digitakt and go anywhere to explore. I’ll upload a pic soon.


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hey guys! I got a #s 40A BMS Balanced board, 3x 21700 3.7V 5000mAh batteries, I soldered them correctly.

I hooked it up to the digitakt, left it charging for hours.

here are my symptoms: (batteries already connected)

  • digitakt does not turn on when the power plug is disconnected
  • digitakt DOES turn on when the power plug is connected
  • i measure the voltage of the “battery pack” with a multimeter touching solder points ("-" of power switch and “+” of the power socket’s connection to the mainboard) and it shows 11.51 volts
  • when i turn on the digitakt using the power adapter, if i unplug the adapter, digitakt freezes for like 2 seconds, then gets to the boot screen and stuck with elektron logo (i think this must be the low voltage protection screen?)

any ideas why the batteries seem (measured) to have enough charge to power up digitakt but can’t? also, i thought (reading the comments above) if the battery level was too low, digitakt wouldn’t turn on even when conencted to the power plug. am i missing something?

Are the batteries fully charged when you’re measuring them? Haven’t done this particular mod with the Digitakt but in general fully charged lipo cells will be at 4.2-4.3 V so you should be supplying over 12V. 11.5 seems a little low for fully charged batteries.

I would try fully charging the batteries, perhaps outside of the Digitakt and verifying that they can power the digitakt plugged in through the dc jack as if they were the power supply and if that works, then see about having them get charged within the Digitakt.

höm they may not be fully charged yet. i’ll leave them plugged in for longer. sadly i don’t have any other charger around so charging them outside is not an option rn :confused: (is there any other way to charge them besides getting a bench charger?)

Well I would definitely say that healthy batteries should fully charge to ~12.6V or so and it may take time for them to fully reach that capacity. 11.5V means that the batteries aren’t charged that much. If you have pictures of the internals/ a circuit diagram of what you did/are trying to do that might help.

Are you sure that the batteries are charging at all? For all you know, they could be just slowly discharging if you made an error in the wiring (happens to the best of us) or just slowly charging. For now, yeah I mean if you don’t have anything else then you’ll have to try leaving it plugged in.

But I think a decent check would be the following, testing to see if everything works after each step:

  1. Verify that the batteries do increase in voltage while being plugged in
  2. Verify that the batteries get to above 12V after charging for a long time.
  3. Remove the batteries and bms from the digitakt, charge the batteries through the bms (not going through the DT’s power jack) and then seeing if the batteries work to power the DT from outside in lieu of the usual DC adapter. (if it doesn’t work in step 3 then it’ll never work inside the DT either)

Thanks for the detailed info!

Quick update: I let it sit inside DT with power adapter plugged in. A couple of hours later I measured the battery and it was 11.83V and this it DT successfully booted up! I’ll keep charging to see how further this can go.

Seeing DT work without a power canle attached really made me smile!

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Anybody know if this kind of battery would work, along with the protection circuit?


It’s a remote control plane/helicopter battery. I’ve used one to replace the dead battery in my iLoud speaker and it works great–although it’s too big for the case, so I gaffer-taped it to the back.

11.1 volts, lots of amps.

Hi, anyone knows where I can order the batteries in the UK?

Going to mod my DT and DN
