Digitakt modified with internal battery

thanks. you sure the 40A BMS is right? I was told, “That’s a 40A board, these cells (21700) are only rated for 5A discharge, so not a good combination.”

40A is the maximum the board can handle, so anything below is ok. If you find a board with same specs but smaller size and less amps it should also work, but this 40A is more or less standard board available anywhere.

how were you charging it past 12.0V?

There are special power supplies for charging, they provide higher voltages. As I said in the original post, standard Elektron PSU gets it to around 80-85% capacity.

I am quite reluctant about this, since the Digitakt gets very hot quite quickly already. Adding a battery pack to it without any form of extra heat dissipation… will even add more heat to the unit and it’s not exactly good for the Li-Ion batteries to get very warm either.

I did stress testing at summer and used it for around a year already. Same on my Octatrack. Nothing feels even slightly warmer then original. Other people who did the mod report the same.

But what can I say, — if you’re reluctant, don’t do it.

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@laikrodiz I am just suprised at how hot the Digitakt gets with normal use. So then I am bit worried placing Li-Ion batteries inside a hot metal container :slight_smile:

this includes a PCB for overchage/short circuit protection. so just solder the leads to the main switch and go

This sounds strange.

My unit is cool as ice even after hours of use. Where on the case does the unit feel warm? As it only pulls 10-15W, it should not get warm at all.

Metal casing sides and bottom. It’s not like hot that I cannot touch it, just surprisingly warm.

PS. I am not the only one though. Others have reported this too that the Digitakt gets very warm.

Hm… hand warm or warm like you do not want to touch it?

As it is a full digital machine, heat is not a problem at all, though. Only the oled does not like over 60°C, the rest keeps working until the solder melts.

Like I said its not glowing in a red color. :laughing:

It gets pretty warm, like laptop like warm on the bottom.
Others have reported this too. It gets like this after about an hour.
Maybe its the CPU, since it’s plain PCB without any heat sink nor heat dissipation.

As long as you can hold it in you hand, there is no issue, imo.
File a ticket maybe… having a heater means having less battery runtime.
The li ions do not care about getting warm unless hot, lipos do.

can you link one that you recommend?

I can’t as I’m using Elektron PSU myself. Having battery above 0 and below 100 is the healthiest for its lifetime, so I don’t mind it being slightly undercharged.

But anything with a proper plug on Amazon that says «12v charger» should do in theory.

ok, but the battery pack will charge on any 12V input, even if its not enough to power the digitakt directly (less than 1A)?

Digitakt itself needs around 600mA.
But the battery should slowly charge on lower power too. Don’t know why someone would want that, though, when there’s Digitakt default power supply.

using a USB charger from a power bank for example

Depends on the charger, something like this will work as it provides more than 600mA at 12V: https://www.amazon.com/myVolts-Ripcord-Compatible-Elektron-Digitakt/dp/B07WHKMPB5

thats exactly what I have, and will be using this to charge the Digitakt from 12v power sources