Digitakt no sound after Logic session

Hi there,
I recently got my digitakt and was learning the ins and outs of how to use the sequencer an co.
After having it assigned as a midi controller in logic, I got 2 issues.

  1. when I select one of the 8 Midi chanels and assign them to Software instruments, Logic only receives the very lowest Octave (C0 - C1) no matter if I transpose or not.

  2. After disconnecting the Digitakt from Logic, the manual sample Trigs dont make a sound any more. When I use the manual write Sequencer function to set Trigs and then hit play it works fine and it also works fine when connected to Logic via the External Instrument plug in, but when I disconnect it, it doesnt work anymore.

Please help, im a little desperate now and I tried everything i know.


I guess your post is too confusing to get replies. I’m also not sure if it is the right answer to your question, but here we go … :wink:

About (2):

Scroll down to parameter TRIG KEY DEST and change it from EXT to INT+EXT.

TRIG KEY DEST controls whether the [TRIG] keys sends MIDI data or not. When set to INT, the [TRIG] keys only affects the Digitakt and no MIDI data is sent. When set to INT + EXT, the [TRIG] keys affects the Digitakt, and also sends MIDI data to external devices. When set to EXT, the [TRIG] keys do not affect the Digitakt but MIDI data is sent externally.

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Hello Alex,
Did you get this issue sorted as I am having the same problem?
I am not using midi, just the default samples for a “new project” in the Digitakt. I’m using a Focusrite Scarlett 18i6 (1st Gen) USB interface, into a late 2014 Retina iMac, OS MoJave 10.14, Logic x 10.4.1.
Basically I can setup a new project in the digitakt,(Latest firmware/OS). I have the left and right Digitakt outputs going into inputs 3,4 on Scarlett, all is working fine with sound being output into my monitors through the Scarlett.
I can open Logic set up a project using the appropriate inputs from the Scarlett, all the levels are displayed and the sound output is fine. Recording into the logic project works fine and plays back with no issues.
However when ever I close logic all sound is lost from the digitakt (they can be heard very faintly if I turn everything to the max). I have to reload a new/saved project in the digitakt to get the sounds back. I can leave the Digitakt running or stopped when I close Logic it makes no difference, if it’s running it immediately loses sound when Logic closes.
As I say at the moment I’m just trying the digitakt with the default sounds: Kick, snare etc.
I tried the suggestion with the INT=EXT [TRIG] without success, I have tried all combinations.
The interface does not effect any other stuff I have connected into Logic, when I close logic it is only the Digitakt that has an issue.
All advice and help welcomed.
Thanks all,