Can’t use my Digitakt at the moment but was just looking at this in the manual, detailed info is on pages 23-25 and 34 in the new updated manual.
Looks like to add Sounds from the global Sound Library into your current project’s Sound Pool, you go to the sound browser, select the sound, hit RIGHT arrow, choose “Copy to…” then “Sound Pool”
EDIT: Also, a “Sound” is essentially all the settings on an audio track. The sample, LFO settings, AMP & Filter settings, etc.
“Track sound name would not be updated after sound export.”
Can someone explain this more clearly? Does it actually show somewhere what Sound is loaded to each track? (I haven’t used Sounds much so if this is something that should be obvious upon using it, I apologize)
Sigh… while it’s great that so many bugs have been fixed, I’m pretty exasperated that the late MIDI pattern change bug hasn’t been addressed. Can we get a comment on when a fix is expected?
So we now could sysex project and patterns one by one. But sysex loading is done pattern by pattern. There is no option to load entire project. So backing up entire box will take forever. Am I missing something?