Digitakt + overbridge + ableton sync issues

Using ableton as my master, trying to sync the DT through the Overbridge 2 VST in ableton on Windows 10, while playing a minilogue through the external input channel on the DT (routed also through overbridge). Having this weird issue where the clock on the DT will speed up/slide up in pitch for a few seconds, then stutter and go back. does this consistently every 10 seconds or so. This also applies to the minilogue when just free playing it through the DT (pitch will slide up). Also noticing it triggers pretty consistently when clicking different windows (like from Ableton to Chrome)

DT is updated to latest firmware (1.3)

OB is updated to latest release (2.6)

DT MIDI Sync Settings:
-Clock receive on
-transport receive on
-everything else off
-USB Config in Overbridge mode

Ableton MIDI Settings
Input: Focusrite USB (audio interface) Track and Sync On
Output: Focusrite Track On
Output: Elektron Digitakt Track and Sync On

Overbridge Settings: No Sync (doesn’t seem to matter whether Clock + Transport is on)

^messed with some of these settings and have the same issue through most combinations

I’m noticing however that the DT is still somehow sending sync messages to Ableton via the tap tempo. The Sync In box is blinking in time with the tempo of the DT, however I’m pretty sure I would have to click the EXT button next to it in Ableton to enable it (but that would defeat the purpose by having the DT be the master, when I want Ableton to be)

Also weird is I noticed that Windows is recognizing the DT as a soundcard. I actually had my speakers routed through it accidentally via the sound bar in windows (even though they are plugged into the back of my audio interface). Switching this in windows back to the focusrite also didn’t make a difference.

Any ideas?


I bought a new audio interface (Scarlett 18i8) and installed the latest driver (old driver was up to date but it was a 1st gen Scarlett 2i4 and so maybe was just too old) and that seemed to do the trick. With the new driver Ableton is no longer receiving midi sync messages with the tap tempo and all the settings i detailed above seem to work just fine now. I wonder if the old driver had some sort of internal clock on Windows that ran separate of Ableton and was sending conflicting messages. Whatever it is the DT works great now.

Bonus I was also having an issue where there was a lot of cpu jitter in ableton and now it’s very low and stable which is great. guess my interface was just broken. yay!

Is the DT set to Overbridge-mode? It has to be activated in system settings…

Additionally all MIDI activity for the Digitakt need to be deactivated in the Ableton MIDI preferences…

Should work then…

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Turn this off

sync needs to be on to send the midi clock to the DT… without that on it won’t produce any sound

Sync comes from the plugin…
It’s not regular midi sync

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You don’t need these on either when using overbridge

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I’d just like to necro this thread because I am having the same problem, except with both my digitakt AND analog 4 mk II.
I have tried this with 2 different Audio interfaces, ( Steinberg UR22 and Scarlett18i20 2nd Gen, latest drivers ) and 2 different computer systems,( PC / Laptop ) and the problem persists. (Windows 10, Ableton 10, Overbridge , latests OS for both boxes) It was not an issue with the last OS for the boxes, or overbridge build.

You might want to upgrade to this latest version : Overbridge 2.0.65 for Windows — Jan 31, 2022

Yes, thank you. This fixed it!

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after extensive playing with the boxes with the recent firmware updates installed, I can sadly confirm that this is still happening.
In the release notes , it was stated that these issues were addressed. It is not as bad as before, (which was really jumping around the place every couple of minutes) it is now more like 15m intervals…

[just to confirm : Overbridge , Analog four mkII 1.51C, digitakt 1.30B]

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My OB devices (DT, DN, AR II, A4 II, AH II) have been running for 3 days and no issues yet.

Edit : I did experience some glitches yesterday.