Digitakt patterns won't switch "backwards"

Heya, apologies for my first post being here being a “help me fix my problem post”.

I’m having a weird issue where I’m able to switch patterns up (say from A7 to A8) but not down (from A8 to A7).

The screen flashes the two pattern IDs as if it’s going to switch at the next bar, but it never does.

If I stop playback and restart it starts on the new pattern…

What am I doing wrong?

Welcome to the forum :slight_smile:

I’m fairly certain this has nothing to do with changing up or down :wink:
Press FUNC+PAGE to go to scale mode. For the pattern that won’t change to the other one, make sure ch.length is set to something other than off. I think you have m.length set to infinite? (that is, if you set the scale mode to per track setting).

When m.length (master length) is set to infinite, individual track’s sequences will never reset. When m’len is set to for instance 16, regardless of individual track lengths, they will reset after 16 steps. However, if ch.len (chain length) is off and m.len is infinite, a pattern will never change to the next one because there’s no length given to the pattern to base the change on. So that’s where ch.length comes in ;). Set it to 16 to have a pattern change after 16 steps.

Hope this solves your issue

Maybe the chain length – is it called chain length, can’t be bothered to look it up – on pattern A8 prevents the sequencer from switching?

edit: aah, got ninja‘d by Dave Mech :ghost:

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Ah that was it! I had my bassline midi track set to 1/4x and the max pattern length set to 1024 to let it play through, but as you say it’s never getting to 1024. Set max pattern length to 256 and now the patterns are changing as expected. Thanks so much!

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