Digitakt: Sending Program Change via SRC/PROG Parameter trig

Hi All

I am quite new to the midi stuff and the logic behind it has not yet been fully revealed to me.
I read many threads regarding program changes with the digitakt but none could solve my problem hence my post here:

I have a problem understanding how to make sending a Program Change from the Digitakt to an external Synth using the Midi Track SRC Page PROG Parameter to trigger the program change.

The setting PROG CH SEND in the Midi Sync menu seems to trigger a “hardwired” Program number according to the Pattern: A09 sends 9, A10 sends 10 etc. when the pattern ends/begins.

No Program change is sent via the SRC Page PROG Trigger if set to the according Program number (no matter if I have Program Change activated or deactivated in the midi sync settings). However if I turn the associated Data entry Knob D (PROG) the programs change immediatly on the Korg according to the number dialed in. How can I make it work that this change is triggered to the set program, number when set as a trig?

I may add that this is not only concerning the Microkorg but also another midi connected device (Boss Dr. Rythm 660). There the behaviour is identical.

BTW: Does anybody know what the sense is behind those hardwired Program Changes? I do not see the purpose of those…

Many thanks for your help.

set up is:

Digitakt midi out to midi in MicroKorg.

Midi setting in Microkorg is set to send/recieve Prog Changes and Midi channel ist set to 1, midi clock to external

On the Digitakt:
Midi Sync:
PROG CH Recieve = NO
Clock send = YES

OUT Port FUNC = Midi
THRU Port FUNC = Midi
Input from = MIDI + USB
Output to = MIDI
Output CH = 1

Tracks 1-8 = 1-8
Tracks A-H = OFF
FX Control = OFF
Auto Channel = 1

Just a quick answer (I’m on the way out): In Elektron terms “program change” means pattern change. The hardwired program change is for other pattern oriented devices to follow suit. So, for example, an Digitakt and a Digitone can step in sync to the next pattern.

Of course this hardwired “program change” isn’t useful (in most cases) to select different patches on a synth.

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What MIDI channel number do you have set in the SRC page of your MIDI track?

You either set the value for the track or you parameter lock the value of PROG on the step of your choice. (Note that if you send the same value in succession, the DT may not transmit it the second time.)

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Many thanks the both of you for your hints. They lead me to some working Midi settings. The Midi channel I set in the SRC page is 1 (the one the MicroKorg is listening).

I now set SEND PROGRAM CHANGE to OFF. So it does not send the “Pattern Change” message.
I also set all the Track Channels in the Midi Settings to OFF as well as the Auto Channel. The PROG CHG CHANNEL I set to something different than 1. Now it works. The program change is sent to the MicroKorg via the SRC PROG Parameter and it changes the the Sound Bank accorrdingly. It is still not 100% clear why that has to be set up like that but at least it works for now.

Again many thanks for your help here.

I am having the same issue., but sometimes it sends prg change automatically and sometimes it doesn-t and I have to trigger it by pressing the midi track’s pad. It seems to happen quite randomly, but I guess that I am missing some setting

I just figured this out for my DIGITAKT using http://www.snoize.com/MIDIMonitor/

If I load a project which has a midi channel and program configured on the src page of the MIDI A it does NOT not send a program change to the synth when I start the sequencer running, or hit the track pad.

If I switch to a pattern that does have different program setting but not any note trigs in it it will also NOT send a program change.

If I switch to a pattern containing note trigs and a different program setting it WILL send a program change.

So it seems to me that Elektron decided only to send a program change when absolutely necessary. The reason might be that most hardware will return to the stored preset when it receives a program change potentially causing you to lose your edits.

I use a Virus with DT as sequencer sending on up to four channels simultaneously. Program change seem to be sent when a note is sent. Which is too late as it takes a while to perform the sounds change on the Virus. The note is therefore played with the old sound on that channel.
Is there really no solution to this?
Does it work better on the OT?

Hi guys

I have the same problem

I made a new topic in the elektronauts feedbak


Welcome @jvinast. So you created a topic that gives a link to this topic ? Doesn’t seem necessary.

What is your issue with Program Changes ? What do you want to use them for ?
No answers concerning your issue here ?

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Maybe are not necesary … sorry it’s my first topic feedback…

I’m talking about when you program in you digitakt elektron your program change ( Bank - Subbank - Program ) this only is send it if you have a trig in your pattern. But if you don’t have the program change parameter in your trig, the program change has not send.

so be forced to schedule the change on at least one note ( trig )

if you don’t understand let me know, please


I don’t see what is your issue here. You can use a Trig or a Lock Trig (yellow) to parameter lock PROG.

With Lock Trigs, notes are not sent, if its your problem.


YEAH sezare56 !

Thank’s a million !

I don’t thought ( yellow ) trig … THIS IS THE SOLUTION becouse don’t play any note …

Cheers !!!

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