Digitakt sequencing DFAM

Hi music intusiasts! Is anybody try to sequensing DFAM from Digitakt MIDI chanel thought any MIDI to CV converter?

DFAM has just 8 steps, and hasn’t parametr locks, but i wanna this :smiley:

Have you any experiense with this devices together and control different parametrs like pitch, velocity, decay etc. of DFAM from Digitakt?

How do you think, is it possible?

Something like the mutant brain would be a good match to use midi from digitakt to cv in on the dfam

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May be Something standalone? With no modular…

I used this in the past for my midi to cv :

good thing to have

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It will be fine in someone share real experience, i’m afraid i don’t taking into consideration some detail and will fail

Cv.ocd is the same device as the mutant brain but standalone.



I have one as a euro rack mountable. It’s quite fun!


Agreed, MAFD is what you want. This is much more than a simple midi to cv converter like the above solutions.

it’s interesting! Thanks!

Did you figure this one out? What patches did you use? I am thinking about using cv.ocd, but struggling to understand how should it be connected.

Unfortunately no. By the time i get my Digitakt, I had to part with DFAM :frowning:

Got a Pro Solo Mk2 second hand.
Works great with Syncing DT/DFAM.
I am just not sure how to use it apart from clocking DFAM to DT: currently using the AUX 1 (clock) out to DFAM adv/clock.
What would/could be the alternatives, ie using the gate (S-Trig) or the cv out from it?
Would the gate be able to advance steps in the DFAM (through its adv/clock)?
Would be nice to hear some feasible ideas.
I am a bit new to all this gate, CV thing.
Sorry for the stupid question :slight_smile:
Merry Xmas to all :pray::christmas_tree::pray:

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This is how I used it. Though I was sending trigs from my drum machine. Same thing though really.


I am using the Poly 2. You can set at least the pitch and the velocity of each note and you can run your sequence step by step (with random trigs).

Then you can use the 8 MIDI knobs (with different CC ID) of the Digitakt (with an optional LFO) to control 8 other DFAM parameters of your choice with the DFAM patchbay!

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on the Digitakt I sampled a gate sound and and panned it left and panned all other samples right. i had to play with volume a bit, but that gate sample clocked a baby 8 sequencer. i used the digitakt sequencer to program in the clock pattern.

i then switched to the midimuso midi cv converter, and used the digitakt midi square lfo which was converted be the midimuso.

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