Digitakt Single Cycle Waveform 16 64 for OS 1.50

Have Fun!!

(right click --> “Save Audio”)

16 Cycles:

64 Cycles:

Can you also provide some good single cycle waveforms?


that’s f**king awesome :fire: thanks mfk.

prior to 1.5 I had my sound banks full of sounds so I could have instant access to everything at the turn of a knob rather than having to fill the sample pool, it was a game changer. it had limitations tho.

this is next level.
sswf slices ftw :space_invader:


Am I understanding your old method correctly, when you save sounds it saves the sample within the actual sound so you don’t need to already have it loaded into the ram when you browse/load sounds?

Also, I’m curious. Now that we have slices on the DT does that mean we can load wavetables? Imagine a 64 slice wavetable sample which is cycled through using the LFO. I’m sure I’m not the only person thinking about this


Wavetables can be thought of as 3D waveforms that can be cycled through without abrupt changes in sound.
It’s like a sampled landscape of sound.
With the capability of these 64 slices, we could run through a series of similar single cycles.

The creation of such a sound file is a bit tedious, but very productive.

My files are just a random juxtaposition of individual waveforms, each starting and ending at zero.
By slicing, 16 or 64 individual oscillators are available.
Several neighboring cycles can also be combined. This results in interesting tones, which, however, then sound deeper.


My Audio File:


here’s one i made w/ an old batch of cycles (using hardcore/softcore editor and octachainer)

16 cycles


Ah so we’re doing this in its own thread now, brilliant!

I’ll get my Model D 64 slice chain and 808/606 chains over shortly.

Edit - what I want next is SCW CHORD CHAINS!! Then the DT will act as though it has a slightly simplified M:C/ST Chord Machine.

Edit: well shit, Kimura Taro got to making chord SCWs before me. Instabuy.


I’ve been using the single cycles from Kimura Taro’s wavetable packs for years. He puts together amazing stuff: Kimura Taro


…the neverending magic of a single cycle put on loop…


Let’s say I didn’t find what I was after when Googling ‘hardcore/softcore editor’. Could you expand on this for me please? :slight_smile:


same :rofl:


it’s the set shared by @Ess a while ago
really, i just like the interface but you can use any number of editors


I am used to work with single waveforms on the Digitakt but can anyone tell me how these work ?

(Never worked on an OT btw)

I bought Kimura’s Chord Pack and checked the PDF manual and there are 2 different instructions types (one for M:S/AR and one for the OT), which one should be applied to the DT ?

That firmware upgrade is really exciting :slight_smile:


How Single Cycle Waveform work?
You repeat the smallest possible repetitive vibrational curve of a sound.

This is ideally a vibration that starts at zero (=no sound), swings in one direction, swings back through zero in the other direction and returns to zero.
But basically everything is possible.

As a rule, a simple oscillator produces exactly one constantly repeating oscillation.
It is responsible for the basic sound and pitch.
All changes in the sound history are made afterwards. (distortion, adsr, filters, noise etc)

It is interesting to change this basic sound dynamically.
For example, many synthesizers offer the possibility to switch between different waves.
(sine/triangle/sawtooth etc.)

Wavetable and Single Cycle Waveform can offer this in a very complex way.
This allows us to use a sampler like a synthesizer.

Sorry, what was the question? I’m afraid I’m lost.


Check https://waveeditonline.com/


I’ve been enjoying working with this collection of wave tables of synths and other instruments and sounds and a few vocal tables, a free download if you give them your email address: https://www.echosoundworks.com/eswcorewavetables

Thanks to the others here posting waves and links, terrific stuff!


Thank you so much, Ess really is a king! Need to download this ASAP.

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As I wrote it earlier, I was used to work with single cycle waveforms on the former firmware (using the “oscillators” from the factory sounds) but I doesn’t really get what’s different with this new firmware and things need to be handled… That’s what/why I asked :slight_smile:

The one for M:S/AR should also work for the DT.

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Not much has changed in that regard.
Almost everything was possible before.
But now 64 single cycles per slot can be used. So 128*64 = 8192 Osc’s per project are possible. Before that it was 128.
Simply switch slowly from sawtooth to triangle in the same pattern: Easy

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