Digitakt tips and tricks

Just discovered something very interesting. Maybe this has always been here or maybe it was included in an update but either way it’s freaking awesome. I’ve talked on here before about how in the Audio routing section of the project menu you can disconnect tracks from the master and still send them to the effects, in a sense creating a “100% wet” effect. Well I always thought that was the only way to do it and that the effect had to be global but i was looking at the Project menu today and at the bottom it has an audio routing section! You can do this per pattern. Whats great is that you can restore things to their original settings by reloading the pattern. It’s great to send everything to the reverb and then cut. the verb to before the compressor and really get things pumping for some interesting variation. This works for the DN as well.


I saw this comment in passing a while back but then had trouble finding it again. Took me a while to realize what a brilliant idea this is. I’ve been using it on Syntakt FX track to make miniature octatrack-style “scenes” and am just returning to DT to explore the possibilities. First thing I’ll be trying out is a set of “record scratch” trigs, but it seems like there are a ton of possibilities for performance effects using these cue-able parameter lock trigs. Thanks!


EDIT - I found it lol… I should have hit the “…” button and not the cogwheel one! Nothing to see here!
Hey, I have a dumb question -just wondering how you (or anyone) get the audio routing to work on a per pattern basis?
I’m hitting the settings button, going to Audio Routing and then toggling the track buttons that I want to be disconnected from the “main”…but then this effects all of my patterns… Or am I missing something?!

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Yeah dude you have to go to the pattern menu! I just now discovered that was the case!!!

Searched and couldn’t find anyone mention this, thought I’d drop here:

DT can do chorus effect with Midi Loopback set to the FX track.

Because the It has to use NRPN values (99, 98, 6, 38 in the CC selector, then in the CC values:
2, 0 [to select Del time],
~1 [coarse value], ~30 [fine value] in that order.

You then modulate the fine value (CC 4 for me) of Delay time and send either audio tracks or external audio to the delay.

I didn’t have to set the CC/NRPN thing in preferences, it seems to just work, and chorus needs modulation around .05-.25, which doesn’t fly with CCs.

Nice sounds, will be part of my Digitakt setup template for sequencing hardware…


Song mode enables an easy setup for capturing perfect loops, especially from synths you’re sampling.

A 2-bar song row with the sound on, a 1-bar row with it off, and another with it on. Trimming to the beginning of row 3 makes a perfect 3-bar loop, and 0.00-80.00 is a perfect 2 bar loop with 1/8-note slices at multiples of 5.00.

In the video I show the technique, scaling it up, the really easy stretch/slice template, and how to use freeze delay to cover over the silences to do baby-Octatrack-style live resampling and remixing for 2-bar loops.


Stereo chorus on the digitakt!!

Been getting into chorus pedals on my synths recently and it dawned on me today that doing the Roland JC120 or Boss CE1 style stereo chorus is relatively easy to do on the digitakt…the one downside is it takes up two tracks to do it.

So the principle is you split a signal into left and right, and you then modulate the pitch of one of the signals. So the left would be the dry normal sound and the right would be the gently modulated sound, this then produces the stereo effect as one is slightly different to the other because of the modulation.

So on the digitakt you take the sound you want to add the effect to, duplicate it to another track, pan them both left and right, then modulate the pitch of one with an LFO. Can use sine or triangle for more normal sounding chorus, and only needs a bit of depth so around 0.5.

Side note: Also if you want to play with the effect live with a midi controller you just set both tracks to the same midi number so your controller triggers both of them at once.


A few first ideas after playing with the 1.5 update in hopes of hearing others’…

Choke groups: Stacking open and closed hats or other choke groups into a single sample, and playing them on a slice track makes for an easily playable choke group… (Pad controllers like MPD or XJam can then be set up to play, notes per channel, alongside other drum tracks.)

Live resampling: it’s totally doable to capture 4 or X bars of a currently playing track, setting it to a track with trigs in, and using it for transitions or effects. I’ve had better luck hitting FUNC i|i|I on the 1 than with record arm (though arm works best for resampling from stopped).

Round robin from pattern chain: Set Linear Locks, delightfully, sets slice locks sequentially regardless of timing, so setting up round robin works great. (Retrigs stay on same slice, though.) Some of the 909 Loops from Mars work great like this…

Wavetable scanning in slice mode: while I’ve needed to put some delay on a low filter to get rid of clicks, this is really interesting, and linear and random locks at different grid settings make for interesting and surprising changes. Just load a wave table and set play mode to loop, write a melody, and set machine to slice with Linear or Random locks.

I bet there are other tricks folks have worked out on OT that might be usable here, and that others might have other ideas. So much to explore here!


what does “Round Robin” mean in this context? constantly rotating slices of different samples in a chain?

very nice ideas here. really looking forward to live resampling to add more “flex” tracks to my octa

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Yes, @Jeanne had been asking about it in other threads, a common feature for drum sampling software is to rotate, in order, between one-shots of the same drum, like a snare or hat, to humanize and reduce sampling-related ear fatigue… It was possible using literal calculus on 2 LFOs before, now a sample chain and linear locks works just fine…


Haven’t seen this talked about much but I saw it in a @cuckoomusic video.

While doing Control-All you can hit NO before before releasing TRK to revert every change you made since pressing TRK. Like an Undo-Control-All command.

I find myself using it a bit more than pattern reload as it’s a simpler workflow.

Great thread! Let’s keep it going. I’m sure there loads more we can squeeze out of this box since 1.50.


Single pages can be reverted with PAGE+NO as well, think it was part of the same update


Also PAGE+YES randomises, PAGE+NO undoes the randomness, do it quickly for great various glitches.

PAGE doesn’t == the Actual PAGE button :slight_smile:


(random) whaaat??

@nemoCPT Randomises all the values/settings for that page


I did not know this, incredible!