Digitakt to DAW Transport Control

I’ve been banging my head against this one for a while. I use my Digitakt as the heart of my setup, controlling clock and sequencing so it would be nice if I could control my DAW as well at times. I’m trying to figure out how to control Logic Pro’s transport controls using my Digitakt’s transport controls.

Ideally it would look something like…

  • Hitting play on the Digitakt would cause Logic to start playing
  • Hitting stop on the Digitakt would stop Logic
  • Double stop on the Digitakt would reset playhead to beginning

I’ve tried mapping the Digitakt transport controls using Logic’s ‘learn’ function, but the Digitakt doesn’t seem to send a message that Logic understands. I’ve tried intercepting the midi messages from the Digitakt and transforming them with no luck either. Is it because the transport control messages from the Digitakt are sysex?

Did you enable Transport Send / Rec under options?

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In 1.03 that got rolled into clock send/receive, right?
I do have that set to send, it’s how I’m controlling all my other gear. Other than sending tempo to Logic it doesn’t seem to do anything. I must be missing something, but I can’t seem to slave Logic to the Digitakt. I tried all the different sync modes in Logic as well, but I’m not sure what kind of sync the Digitakt is supposed to be sending.

The 1.04 manual still has transport send/receive listed as options. I’m not in front of my digitakt but iirc they option to send clock is different from sending transport.

Edit adding image

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The manual is wrong, outdated as of 1.04. transport receive/send is no longer an option. its just rolled into clock send/receive.

To the OP, first, stop banging your head against the wall. then you have to see if logic can even slave to another MIDI clock, not all DAWs can.

What you may look into is MMC - MIDI Machine Control, and whether the DT sends MMC messages at all. Route these to Logic and it may get you where you wanna go. In the end it might be far more trouble than it’s worth.


Are you using logic x?

I am using Logic X.
From further digging it sounds like Logic removed midi clock sync several versions ago and that MTC would be the way to go. Does anyone know if the Digitakt sends MTC?

Is there anything helpful here


…slaving different daws within the computer on an internal clock worx…but slaving daws to an external clock is pretty much a mess 'til todate…

seriously recording a hardware setup into a daw does’nt end in a mess only if u slave the hardware set up to the computer…

realtime interaction with a daw in slave is no stable idea…no matter what…

at my studio, my computer clocks everthing…so i can record all the the outside world and finish arrangements and mix in the daw…

my hardware setup runs indepently following a digitakt or mpc…or even ot…but when it comes to final recordings, i slave this one hw master clock of that hardware set up with a clock from the computer to get everthing in line…

Thanks for the advice everyone.
@reeloy, I was starting to get the feeling that was likely the case. Just hoping maybe there was some magic I was overlooking.
What I may end up trying is using a separate midi-controller, mapped to the DAW that just starts and stops everything from the computer–like a master start/stop button–so that the computer is still driving everything but remotely. That should work, right?

It does not send MTC. MTC is really only useful in the context of a complete track or work. It references absolute time from the beginning of the piece. The Digitakt, not really having a concept of whole track has no idea where in a piece you are when you hit Play.

MIDI beat clock has no such notion: Just “here’s the pulse” (well, 24 parts per quarter note pulse) and start (from the 1), stop, and continue commands. There is Song Position Pointer - which adds a notion of where in the piece you are (in beats, not time)… but it is optional, and isn’t used by many systems using beat clock.


Thanks for the clarification @mzero.
I’m getting a clearer picture of why what I was trying to do felt like it was going against the grain.

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For anyone coming across this on google, while transport send/receive and clock send/receive are now separate again, this still doesn’t work easily.
This is because pressing play/stop/record on the Digitone sends MIDI Sysex rather than a CC, so e.g Logic won’t learn the assignment.

If anyone knows any workarounds for controlling Logic transport from the Digitakt I’d be grateful!