Digitakt to Digiton MIDI LFOs trigger

So I have a liveset on saturday in which I will bring Digitone Keys and Digitakt (and a tons of fxs), I have DT controlling MUTES and LFOs (mostly mapped to macros like mod wheel, aftertouch, etc.) to DN through channels 9-10-11-12 of DT (corresponding to tracks 1-2-3-4 of DN). Problem is I discovered the LFOs start having an effect only when i trigger the corresponding midi track from the Digitakt (a simple trigger is sufficient), if not, they don’t start or they get stuck on previous settings. This happens also if I change pattern on the Digitakt, it s like the setting on the previous pattern get stuck. I figured watching a Dave Mech video that I could probably get this sorted with placing a midi trig with 0 velocity at the beginning of each midi track in every pattern (1st condition). But is there a way to solve this that is less annoying? I don’t want to rewrite my DN patterns on the DT because I obviously prefer writing melodies on the Keys.


It’s almost a bug. Who’d want that behavior ? Same problem on OT.
And the lfo continues even if you stop.

Ok, so it’s totally annoying and unavoidable. Yeah you have to double stop if you want to stop it completely. Which for my setup it’s fine since I use a lot of infinite release on DN to get things going on even after i stopped the sequencer but I can guess in an other setup this would be totally annoying. Like when you switch pattern and the LFO continues to modulate the pitchbend of the next sound.
Thank you for your reply though.