Digitakt to external gear sync issue

Hey guys,

First time posting as I’ve had a fairly issue-free experience so far with my DT, until now… Recently got a modular setup, and so wanted to clock it from the DT and be able to sequence it from the DT as well when required. My setup is as follows:

I have my DT midi out going to my Prophet Rev2 midi in, midi out from that going to microcosm midi in, and the midi out from that to my modular. On the modular side, i have the Intellijel uMidi.

Having only ever had the Rev2 till now, I’ve never bothered changing up what midi channel is playing it as it was the only one to play, and the microcosm has clocked fine (haven’t yet explored sending midi cc messages to the micrososm).

Upon arrival of my modular, hooked it all up, and set the midi channel to be 3. I’ve set the Rev 2 to be on channel 1, and the microcosm to channel 2. All clocking is working perfectly, and the run/stop messages are working perfectly on my modular. However, the new issue, is that now, even when all midi channels on the DT are muted, if I press play, my Rev 2 starts playing a random note in sync with the tempo. In fact, even if I make sure there are no midi channels selected, it still plays this random note. If I then take a midi channel with some notes sequenced on it, send that to channel 1, it plays the notes on the Rev 2 as expected, but fights with this other random note that’s playing. So basically, I can’t press play on my DT without my Rev2 playing a wacky note whether I want it to or not.

So far, I’ve also not managed to get ‘channel 3’ to send out note and trig info from the umidi on my modular, but I guess I should deal with one problem at a time.

Definetly new to all this midi implimentation, so any help would be appreicated.

I have a video showing all this but my first post so it wont let me upload just yet.

thanks guys!

Welcome to the forum!

By “random note”, do you mean “unintended note” or “random pitch”?

Do you have something in the Rev2’s sequencer? What happens if you set MIDI Clock Mode in the Rev2’s Global settings to “Slave no Start/Stop”?

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I suppose ‘unintended note’ would be what I mean. I’m hoping the link below will demonstrate the issue using Dropbox.

(Dropbox - Video 12-09-2022, 12 07 24.mov - Simplify your life)

I’m now out the house so will check what happens when I try what you’ve suggested when I get in, but it’s currently set to slave thru and I’ve actually never used the onboard sequencer having always done so via the DT

In fact, having just rewatched my own video I can see the ‘play’ on the rev 2 sequencer illuminated so perhaps it’s that! In which case that’s a really simple solution to what has been frustrating me for my entire morning :man_facepalming:t3:

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At least it’s a simple solution! :slight_smile: