Digital machines filters

Hi all!
I’m a bit lost with the digital machines filters, the “eq” ones.
I have hard time using them, wether I try “bell” shape or hollow.
Have you had any success with them ? If so, how do you use them ?
I wish there was a classic resonant bandpass filter.
Thanks for your replies !

What exactly are you trying to achieve and in what way do you feel things are not working for you?

Sorry, but more specific details will provide more specific solutions.


I used them to cut rather than boosting. Mostly to cut anmoying resonant frequencys.

They don’t work well as a bpf


Sure !

Unfortunately these EQ filters are just semi-parametric equalizers with fixed q.

Maybe a workaroud using EQ, Filter 2 BASE and Modwheel modulation ! :slight_smile:

Oh, it’s just a matter of shaping the sound.
Sometimes I like to keep only a portion of the frequencies of a percussion/drum sound, which a
I can achieve with a bandpass filter. Those eq filters can emphasize on some frequencies but I’d like to cut everything but what I chose.

Thanks for your reply :slight_smile:

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Don’t forget FILTER 2 !


Yeah, try using the second filter as a band pass.


I don’t :wink:
The thing with the resonant filter is that you can abuse it, if you shape it narrow with high resonance and so you can create some pretty different sound from the original :DDD

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If someone can test. MODUTLATIONS > MODWHEEL
Dest Filter Frequency and Filter Base, Depth 127.

Filter 1 and 2 frequencies = 0, width = 0.

(Can’t test, I lended my Syntakt !)

Edit : Caveats : the Modwheel value go back to 0 after power cycle.