Digitone 1.30 freezing when deleting large number of sounds

Hi all,

I was doing some sound management and noticed my Digitone would freeze up when deleting 256 sounds at once. I had to restart to get it back up and running. Deleting about 50 at a time seemed to work. Has anyone else experienced this? Firmware 1.30.


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Would anyone running 1.30 be willing to try deleting 256 sounds and once and let me know if they have an issue?



I upgraded to 1.30A and am still seeing the issue. The problem only looks to occur when I say copy a full bank to an empty one, while plugged in to USB. When I go and delete the sounds out of the new bank, just populated, it will freeze. It looks like some corruption is being induced when copying while plugged in to USB.

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I have this issue deleting only 60 sounds!

I ran into this as well on the latest OS and just delete sounds in small batches, if needed. ~20 or so at a time. Otherwise the unit can freeze up and need to be rebooted.

Transfer or from the unit…?