Digitone and Digitone Keys 1.32

This update is brilliant, the new mixer pages are a god send. Thank you so much for this Elektron!:heart::pray:

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Thank you, elektron! This is exactly what I was hoping for! :heart:

Edit: Actually, this is an incredible timing for me with the new update. I’ve basically got a four day weekend starting tomorrow and there’s a new animal collective record to be released on Friday. What more could a music nerd ask for?


Ah, thanks for the clarification. :+1:

There, the screenshot is now corrected in the Digitone and Digitone Keys manuals. Thanks again!


Thank you Elektron! The continued love you give to the Digis is so very much appreciated. So much magic in these boxes.


Thanks a lot elektron. Thanks to this forum
and thanks ezbot ( also for the ot videos, altough unfortunately I dont have the energy or time to use it much)
I don‘t have dn here and I had no clue what elektron and people were talking and writing about here apart from leds and ob stability before seeing the video haha.

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Thanks for the updates! Lots of work!

I thought you guys were dead. A little more communication wouldn’t hurt!

Well, you can also setup the midi channel properly, and mute the track 1-4 of Digitone with midi tracks 9-12 on DT. There fore not muting synth and kick at the same time


Nice! Thanks Elektron :heart::orange_heart::yellow_heart:

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This fixed all the issues i had and added some useful stuff too!
4 mono INs with separate effect mixing is sick. Very happy with the update :orange_heart:

EDIT: lol 2 separate mono sends, not 4, still great and convinient :wink:

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This is very cool. Thanks Elektron! I will be trying it out later – AH without OB was missing a big chunk of its functionality for me!


Mkii ?? :tongue:


Thanks for that update and the possibility to dim LED! :pray:


DN sale to celebrate?


i buy.

Just unboxed my DN. I was already happy I’ve got it with a 7% discount from baxmusic this weekend and now this…timing couldn’t be better! :smiley:


It’s incredible! Thanks Elektron! :grinning: :+1:


Paaartieee !! :partying_face:


Totally agree, its kinda meh for me.

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Great Update! Mixer is very welcome.

Would have been great if it was on the 2nd Amp Page … Above the sends for the FX. The 4 unused boxes.
Nice little page to do dubby mixes selecting Tracks and mixing levels and effect sending.

Also wouldn’t need FUNC to select.