Digitone arpeggiator - no way to HOLD or LATCH?

I’m really digging this synth and it’s arp is fantastic except… I can’t figure out any way to keep an arp’d note or chord to hold or latch once I hit it. I basically just keep my finger(s) on the key(s) for as long as I need the arp’d section to keep going. Grrrr… any way around this? I’ve searched online and nothing comes up. I know the A4 doesn’t have this feature and hoping this isn’t the case with Digitone. :thinking:

Set note length to infinite?


There used to be a trick on MnM where you could latch arp by switching in/out of grid record … I think …

does nothing on digitone… just tried

i use live record mode and hold a chord down. if you don’t hold it two times around the sequencer you’ll get a gap between triggers.

…so, just hold a chord with the arp on while live recording, and you’ll essential ‘latch’ the arp, and you can still jam over the top


P-lock a TRIG by setting LENGTH in TRIG page to « infinite » or to « 16 » if your pattern is set to 16 trigs


Was looking into this too. If you set length to infinite, won’t the note re-trig at the start of the pattern again? I don’t want it to retrig and risk resetting the arp, for polyrhythmic purposes.

Add trig condition : 1st ?

So that it only trigs once on the 1st step of the pattern and then never again, not even on the repeat?

repeat would bei 2nd run and not 1st anymore, so yes – not even on the repeat.

yes. this annoys me too…

It’ll repeat only if you change pattern and back or if you stop and play again.

One other possibility would be to use fill cond. When you want it to launch, press page button, if you ever need to relaunch, press page again…

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Can we please get some kind of latch/hold function?

I use the digitone for live playing often without sequemcer. It is really missing to have a kind of latch/hold function there.

Especially when live playing arps, but also when playing ambient stuff.
Switching between the tracks and keep the other track running on the note you just pressed would be essential needed and a godsend if elektron could implement this

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