Digitone as a Sample Generator for the RS7000

Just as the title says, all of the non-vocal sounds (and the 909 hat) were made/sequenced on the Digitone then fed into the Yamaha RS7000 for playing with.

All Digitone sounds unaltered from the RaverTone sound pack. They go further when the 8 voice limit is lifted. :slight_smile:

If at some point I ever got a Digitakt, this is probably how i’d use the pair: make samples with the Digitone and sample them into the Digitakt and turn off the Digitone altogether for the final song.


Track 3. Demo 3. Banger.

I like how ever so slightly wrong it all sounds.
The layers if digitone overdrive make it sound really wooly. The tambourine sound on demo 6, (usually sampled from hotpants) is a digitone sound, the pattern is the same, the groove is the same, but its ever so slightly wrong. Love it!


A lot of that in the demos was intentional, funny you picked up on it. I’ve been low key working on a project dubbed “Invasion of the Sample Snatchers”.


Oh dont worry, all your james brown break-a-likes are easy to spot too. Im a drummer, beats are my language. Nice work.


Hello fellow drummer! Now I know why you dig some of the stuff I do. While I love four to the floor techno, I’m more drawn to the funky drums of breakbeat cause it’s more fun for my brain to listen to lol :slight_smile:

I’m actually anticipating someone to rock the digitone like aphex twin and go all drill and bass on it…hasn’t happened yet…so I’ll continue to wait for that individual to appear with a stack of gold.

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Are you planning to make these digitone patches available as samples?

(Yeah I know, I could get the sysex, sample it all myself, but Im lazy…)

As far as public availability, probably not on purpose. Maybe after I sample enough myself, if I manage to keep things rather organized (lololol ahem), then there’s a chance of that, but I wouldn’t keep up any hope of it. Basically, if it appears, consider it a stroke of luck.

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Mighst have to pull my finger out of said lazy arse then :slight_smile: