Digitone as audio interface


I have just upgraded by digitone to 1.21 . Does anybody know if it’s poosible to use the digiton as a simple 2 in , 2 out interface with this update ?

My DAW (pro tools ) doesn’t seem to see it. I’m on a mac 10.9.5 and Pro Tools 10.


Yes, it’s possible as long as have installed the latest beta version of overbridge. Have you done that?

I have frimware 1.21

So if I’d update to 2.0 Beta it should work?

Is it easy to toll back if I have issue switch 2.0 Beta ?

Install the latest beta version of overbridge. Yes you can always use DN in normal mode or uninstall overbridge if you have any problem.

Its working properly for me.

Something that’s been on my mind lately…

You can use the Digitone’s inputs as a stereo in, or with separate L & R panning, as 2 in (along with the 4 synth tracks)
But what happens when you go slightly beyond that?

I was planning to my Nord Drum 2 on L, and a poly synth on R.
But, the new Micromonsta 2 will be bitimbral, so that makes 3 inputs needed.

I was thinking using my Mac’s microphone jack to record the 3rd track, possibly the MM2 since it has its own effects, while ND2 uses the Digitone’s effects…

Well, the theory is sound, as long as you send up an aggregate audio system. Which I tried once and I think it worked?

I recorded a bunch of bass guitar using my Digitone as the interface. It’s not perfect, levels were tricky, but I got it done. It’s a great bonus feature on a great synth.

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