Digitone as pure WET FX unit

Hi all,

I need to add more pure WET fx to some analog signals passing through an hardware mixer. So I thought to use DN for this.

I’m looking into my unit but for my understanding there is no way to route the line inputs internally in order to remove the DRY signal and get a pure WET signal only from the line outputs.

PS: at the same time I need the DN playing normally all the internal instruments+fx

Am I missing something?

Thank you to everyone in advance

Perhaps the Route to Main section in settings will help? You may be able to only route the fx out of the main analog outs.

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Thank you!
The issue is that I’m able to have wet signals, but this impact the internal tracks also, and I need to have them DRY+WET, and only the input signal should be pure WET. :confused:

I think that I’m asking something not feasible because the FX units are shared in the entire machine, and not duplicated per track. The only way to implement this would be subtracting the line input signals only (and not the internal tracks signals) at the out of each FX unit… a bit tricky

…once dialed into 100% wet, it’s pure wet signal…

but yes, since those internal send fx do their job for all signalflow within the machine by concept, all u can choose is which voices get’s send to the fx busses and how much wet u each individual signal like it to be…

so, u either record twice or accept this nature given limitation…no real world real time workaround posiible…

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Unfortunately the fx sends from the line inputs are post fader, so this is not possible.
You can remove the internal channels from the master out, but not the line ins, so you will always have your dry input signal present.
You should submit a feature request to Elektron for pre-fade sends for the input channels.

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