Digitone Backup

How do I back up my Digitone? I thought all Elektron devices were backed up using Transfer—I guess not. I see one thread about C6…I have no idea what C6. Anyone care to help me out?

Transfer application yes.
Make sure your digitone is updated to the latest OS.
Also make sure the USB config (in DN settings) is set to either overbridge mode or USB/midi)

Digitone doesn’t appear as an available device in Transfer.

Hence my reply :slight_smile:
Make sure it’s in the correct USB mode in the USB config system settings . If that doesn’t help reboot you digitone and look at the OS version. What does it say?

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If you’re using a mac, then it’s possible that you first need to approve the Digitone.

Go to System preferences > Security & Privacy, approve it and then reboot your computer.

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Many thanks. The USB config was set to Overbridge. I’m nearly computer illiterate—I’ve literally never used a computer for music (including back-ups)—so that might have taken me days of frustration to figure out (Haha)

I was actually afraid of updating the DN before backing it up :grimacing: :sweat_smile: I’ve had many instances of things going sideways when trying to do “simple” tasks (like upgrades)…so, techy stuff makes me very nervous. I must’ve offended the tech Gods at some point.

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Certainly backup before upgrading. But not being up to date is why transfer doesn’t work. Maybe someone can provide C6 to you. Otherwise try sysex librarian if you’re on Mac osx. On Windows you can try SysEx transfer utility. Backup and update firmware through that :slight_smile:

I am a professor of computer science and this is true for me also.


I’m backed up & updated. Many thanks! (It was the USB config setting).

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Ahh ok :slight_smile: :+1:t2: