Digitone Bank / Patch Change to Roland JV1010

Hello everyone, I’m having an issue transmitting bank change to a Roland JV1010 from the DT MIDI tracks. For starters there is no “0” Bank or SubBank. Also, the JV is not responding to Bank or Sub Bank changes from the DT tracks, only Patch changes. The Roland receives Bank/Patch changes with no problems from Ableton and other gear. Any clues on what is going on? Also tried to PLock the parameters to a Trig with no result. Thanks!!

Ensure that you have updated your Digitone (DN) to the latest OS version; versions before 1.21 had problems with their implementation of Bank Select messages.

Connect MIDI Out of DN to MIDI In of JV-1010.

On the JV:
Instructions are given on pages 32-37 of the manual:

  • choose Patch mode,
  • set the Part knob to the Part (channel) number that you want to sequence from the DN,

On the DN:
Ensure that the DN is set to send messages through its MIDI Out port.

Then, in the DN’s MIDI source (SYN1) page:

  • set the MIDI channel number to match the JV’s Part number (above),
  • set the BANK value to be 82 (to get Bank Select MSB = 81 for PRESETs),
  • set the SBNK value to be in the range from 1 to 5 (for PRESET banks A to E respectively),
  • set the PROG value to the number of the patch that you want (1 to 128).

According to the table on page 33 of the JV’s manual, if you want a sound in the USER patch group instead, you would set BANK to 81 and SBNK to 1 instead.

The manual also describes how to select a Performance or a Rhythm Set.

Give it a try and report back on how it works.


Awesome!! This was an oasis of light in the darkness… Thank you!! I just didn’t relate MSB and LSB with BANK and SBNK.

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Just one more question, how do you set a “0” LSB on the Digitone?

Set SBNK to be 1, as in the USER patch group example I gave in the previous post.

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Thanks, yes I just figured out you have to add 1 to everything. I made this table in case anyone is using the same synth with DT.

81 - 1 USER
82 - 1 PRESET A
82 - 2 PRESET B
82 - 3 PRESET C
82 - 4 PRESET D
82 - 5 PRESET E
85 - 1 SESSION 1-128
85 - 2 SESSION 129-255

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Much better than that, here’s a spreadsheet with all banks, pch messages, and some useful CCs for the JV1010. JV1010 .xlsx (17.1 KB)

I’d like to add that it would be awesome of Elektron to be (as usual) one step ahead and release a contemporary Rompler device. They have been having a comeback since 2 or 3 years and no manufacturer seems to have noticed. All companies keep on insisting with wavetable, FM, yet more analog monosynths, and no one sees what is going on on the user side. A complete architecture like the JV’s on a modern user friendly hardware interface would be an instant buy for me.