Digitone / Boot

I did my research but I didn’t find a topic to see if I have to worry or not.
I just got my new Digitone after I had to sell my first one few months ago.
When I boot it up, sometimes it work and sometimes it acts like that.
I know this is a known “issue” with Analog Rytm but what about the Digitone ?

Thank you :slight_smile:

you should try to leave it off for at least 30 seconds and then try to power on, if it still does that maybe give it a bit longer, try again - if it’s happening then it’ll be best to speak with support to see if it’s a known thing


When I do this, it boot up. Perhaps again something related to the capacitor ? I did create a ticket anyway to see what they think. Not a big deal for now :slight_smile:

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Being specific about the timing is important of course in diagnosing anything, never had that myself, but i’m not rebooting these boxes that quick as a rule anyway

I’m sure they’ll re-assure you if it’s not entirely unexpected

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Mine does that once in a while too. Usually, when it occurs, I unplugged the midi and the power cables and let it rest a couple minutes. It seems to me that just unplugging the midi cable (midi in coming from the OT) does the trick.

Edit: but I see you don’t have any midi cable plugged in so this won’t help you…

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That doesn’t look right to me. Sometimes my Elektron devices might not power on the first time but it’s rare, and a second power cycle usually fixes it.

Update the firmware to the latest if you haven’t already. Check the power supply. If you have two PSU-3 type power supplies try using a different one. Also try using a different outlet.

If none of that works it’ll be best to open a ticket with Elektron or exchange it for another one.

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Tried a couple of time and no worries. Looks like the same issue as on the Analog Rytm, will wait for the reply of Elektron tho :slight_smile:

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Hi, hope you’re well :slight_smile:

I’ve got a (very fast) reply from Elektron telling me that it could be the big capacitor which needs between twenty seconds and a minute to discharge after a crash or rapid restart but fact it happened even after it has been turned off for a full minute made me think there was something weird. I’ve contacted my local store and they gave a new one to me which doesn’t act at all like that !

I think it can happens but if it happens to many time, the unit needs to be checked (hope it will helps someone else on the forum)

Have a great w-e !