Digitone Bug - keeps restarting

Hi everyone ,

I own a digitone and it was working very well until now . When I play on it, every two minutes or so, it keeps restarting by itself again and again…it turns on and off constantly so it becomes impossible to play with :frowning: I have the new os update
Does anyone experience this too? any held would be welcome


No-one else has reported this. It’s not normal. I suggest that you make a support ticket on Elektron’s website immediately.

If you are able, you might try checking your power supply.

I hope you can get it back working soon.

Hmmm not any kind of bug I’ve heard of. Sounds like hardware issue. Anything show up in test mode? (hold function while powering up)

I have tried the test mode also, it says no error everything seems to be okay …

I created the ticket for the support team, hope they will be able to help!

thank you for the answers!

Can you worsen or improve the issue by adjusting the plug where the power supply connects to the device? My digitakt has a garbage psu that sometimes won’t get power until I adjust it. I’ve swapped with my Digitone and the problem moved so it was def the external psu. Might be an easy fix

I feel like the new update destroy all digitone… Mine just back from Elektron! After the update the screen stop working.

I had the same problem with the previous version and i thought it was because I didn’t have the new update so I download it but the problem is still here …

It doesn’t seem to change anything when i move the power supply :thinking:

Was this occurring only when connected via Overbridge? I just had the same problem, I was using it in Ableton, as a audio interface, and it started shutting off a few time.

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Hi, would you mind to share how was your ticket handled by Elektron? Because I have experienced the exact same issue twice randomly, and become quite worried…