Digitone bug with playing previous patterns/sounds

I’ve been struggling with this weird ass bug now for months and finally have the time to post about it. This may be confusing, but hopefully the video will help.

I have a 6-song set using the OT/DT/DN. Each song has it’s own bank (A-F) and they are all between 13-15 patterns long. 95% of it works flawlessly except this weird issue.

The end of song E has some arps playing on DN track 3. When I transition to F, even though the sounds on track 3 are different, if it’s unmuted, it still plays the same arp pattern and sound. The only way to stop it is to literally stop the whole set and restart at the beginning of song F. I can not, for the life of me, figure out why this is happening or what’s going on. Does anyone have any ideas at all? Is this some sort of bug with this particular pattern/track transition? Ugh.

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I didn’t watch the video yet as I’m not in a place I can, but if it sounds like what I think it is, it’s an issue I’ve dealt with before. If your arp note length is set to infinite, it can carry over into the next pattern. I know it’s not ideal, but try playing around with the note len.

I figured that might be the case, but all the arp notes are 16 long. I checked that and even went through each individual one to make sure it wasn’t set to that. Ugh.

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I feel you. It’s an annoying “bug”? Not sure if it is really, but it feels like one. There may be some theoretically trig reasoning for it happening, but its definitely annoying in a live setting. :confused:
Hoping the real vets in here have a good answer.

Me, too. I’ve been trying to troubleshoot it for months. I emailed Elektron support just now, as well, so we’ll see.

Here are a few more reports.

Would be interesting to read the answer to your ticket.


Nice! Mine is bleeding over into multiple patterns, it sucks.

I recently reported a different bug. Let’s hope the support team tackles this and other outstanding bugs. I got a response to my report saying they could reproduce it and would pass it to the programmers. There was no confirmation it would actually be fixed, though, nevermind a hint as to when.


I had that with a DT bug. Guess we’ll see!