Digitone CC's to Moog Sirin Filter and Res (help)

I have my Moog Sirin controlled by my Digitone Sequencer. I am able to change patches using trigs. However I have been unsuccessful trying to record Sirin Filter sweeps or Res changes. The Sirin Cutoff is 19(MSB)/51(LSB) 0-127 and the Sirin Res is 21(MSB/53(LSB) 0-127. I have read through the manual section several time and yet I can never get this to work. Any ideas? My goal is to record Cutoff/Res sweeps in Live Recording Mode as patterns play. Thanks…

So you’re sending MIDI CC’s from the Digitone to the Sirin via a MIDI Track? If you want to record Filter sweeps, you have to do it from the Digitone.

On MIDI Track T1 :

set the SYN1 Page to send on the same Channel as the Sirin (CHAN), set BANK to 1 and the Program of your choice (PROG). You can enable them by holding FUNC + pressing the corresponding Encoders.

AMP Page, Encoder A : choose MIDI CC 19 for the Filter Cutoff

FLTR Page, Encoder A is now the knob that controls the Sirin’s Filter Cutoff (enable it by holding FUNC + pressing Encoder A)

You can now Live Record the motion of Encoder A on the sequencer.

Repeat those Steps for Resonance.


I just tried it but still no luck. The CC 19 is LSB and not MSB as required by Moog Sirin. Am I missing something here. I have the Ch setting correct, and Back to 1 and can change Programs no problem. My Digitone does not have a setting for CC 19 (MSB) or CC51 (LSB)? What am I missing? Thank you for your help.

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On the AMP page of the MIDI Track, turn the Encoder A until SEL1 turns to 19 (in the rectangle, you will see GP SLID4).

And by the way, I just did a test with my DN and my Sirin, it’s all good.

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Wow! It works perfectly. Thank you so very much Tchu. The GP SLID4 is what confused me. Thank you again.

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