Digitone class compliant audio issues (win)

Scenario: I have a windows laptop and a digitone. I’ve made a sampler in max/msp and would like to use it to sample the digitone. The simplest way to achieve this, rather than set up the OB VST in my max patch, is to set the digitone as my default audio interface in windows, making it the primary 2in/2out soundcard. So far so good: the settings are right, computer audio is routed out of the DN headphone jack as expected, and the DN sound reaches the sampler in max.

Problem: audio recorded from the DN synth into the sampler sounds bad: weedy, fizzy, thin. Significant low cut. A/B with the monitor output there is a massive audible difference.

Troubleshooting: DN, windows and max are up to date, DPC latency reading is normal (~100us). In the OB control panel I have everything set to 512 samples and highest latency (any lower and in addition to the recording problem I also get audio dropouts). Interestingly the problem does not affect audio recorded from the DN audio inputs - it’s just the synth engine that’s affected.

Conclusion: it’s a weird one. Any thoughts or ideas?

What input pairs are you using from the Digitone? You mention OB but also using DN as just a sound card. If you’re using OB, you would see individual inputs for all tracks + master. The former do not pass through any effects such as Master Drive. Is it sounding thin because your getting dry track outputs?

Also, if you’re wanting to use the DN as a sound card, I’m not sure you need the DN in Overbridge mode. It should be in USB MIDI+Sound or whatever the mode is. Also, are you using the ASIO driver? Not sure it supports WME but in case it does, make sure you’re using ASIO.

What d4ydream says + another thing : weird but with the DN, at least for me, its better when I decrease the buffer to something like 64. No Idea why but give it a try

OB works fine, this problem is only present when I try to use it as a soundcard (no OB). DN is set to USB MIDI , driver just appears as ‘Elektron Digitone’ in the list which I assume is ASIO. The sound is distinctly broken and crushed, will post a little clip when I get home.

I had mad dropouts at 64 but will play with the settings again. Just feels weird that playback and inputs work fine while the synth audio sounds broken.

Just in case, I summarize, you have 3 choices :

  • Overbridge vst : you already know

  • Overbridge without vst : under asio driver (you have to be in Overbridge mode on the device)
    –> for those : 256 buffer max says the Elektron manuals

  • Class compliant : you have to be in usb audio/midi and use whatever driver you have on your host, you can download asio4all if you want to change buffer and stuff more easily

Interesting, I wasn’t aware you could use OB without the VST. This must be what I’ve been doing, since the OB settings are affecting my audio. Will try to get it working class compliant with flexasio instead. Thanks!

got it working as class compliant, happily cruising at a buffer size of 64. thanks all!