Digitone controlling AUM

Does anyone know how to set up things so that I can press play on Digitone and it will play AUM? I’m connected via USB, I can control apps ok via MIDI, and I can send MIDI data back to Digitone, but for the life me I can’t work out how to get it so that pressing play on Digitone plays AUM.

I just hate having to press the tiny play button on my iPad - and prefer that if I’m sequencing with my DigiTone, that’s the controller for start/stop.


AUM does not accept midi clock, and will only send it. Use another app like ‎MIDI Link Sync on the App Store and AUM will start with ableton link.

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Got it working! It’s a bit unreliable though, seems to be crashing periodically. Freezing, etc. Is this normal??

Maybe I just need a key step pro and some more synths and ditch iOS entirely :slight_smile:

I would never dream of using an elektron as my master clock.
Would be silly to decide the whole direction of your studio based on a play button, perticularly when the play button can be mapped to basically anything you want.

You’re not wrong! I’ve tried mapping ‘play’ to a button on my controller but I couldn’t get it working. I’m such a novice!

So you’d prefer to let the iPad drive everything, controlling the Digitone?

How about the periodic freezes and crashes? Is that to be expected with iOS usb?

Not really, iOS connections could be a bit more sensitive because of the use of Lightning to USB adapters. But it shouldn’t always crash or freeze.

Make sure you have the latest Firmware installed on your Digitone, there were some fixes regarding this.
Latest Firmware version is 1.31:

I have 0 issues with iOS and usb.
What controller? Midi from controller routed correctly in AUM?

Well I’m now switching to pressing play on iPad. However I want to map my M AUDIO to use a button under the faders to play and stop. But cc messages from the buttons don’t go through Digitone. I’ve posted separately about it.