Digitone designing vocal like pad

Hello everyone
I love creating sounds on my #digitone keys and I was wondering if someone achieved a vocal choir like pad sound with it. Any ideas?


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Thatā€™s a tricky one. It probably calls for a good deal of experimentation.

Maybe try using algorithm nr 8 (C, BI and BII in parallel), and use one operator for the basic note and the two others for clean overtonesthat resemble a vowel sound. I suspect FM will get messy quite quickly, so maybe this simple additive approach will be a little more controllable.

You could also use the resonant low pass filter to emphasize some of the tones, but that feels a little like cheating on an FM synthā€¦ :slight_smile:

The Amp envelope should be set to the following: not too fast attack, full sustain, short release.
Also try using a vibrato with a faded intro.

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Definitely make use of unison or chorus. What you really need are just a bunch of band pass filters, so if you did many voices on different tracks you could keytrack each voice to a resonant frequency and that might sound good


i did once, more ā€œformant likeā€ tho. if you stack it you could prbbly get there, attached a syx file ylva_vox.syx (361 Bytes) ylvox.aif (1.8 MB)


I have tried to make vowels couple of times. Everytime a sore failure. A more generic choir sound could be more doable. Do old DXs have choir patches?

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Use ratio offset like if you were doing a one note chord

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Hereā€™s a test with algo 8 and unison.
Not super convincing but itā€™s a starting point.
Edit: made some slight improvements to it.


oh that is close!

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So I asked master Floyd and he answered to me that he did do this tutorial Reface DX Formants

he says the trick is to slightly modulate the frequencies so the human ear picks "vocal"sound. CHorus and Filter for the edges to take off. Hope this helps us all. Love

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Here is the sysex file if anyone wants to develop it. Saved as a pattern with some variations of the sound on track 2-4.
Pokelok Digitone Choir test 01.syx (23.4 KB)



I achieved this for nowā€¦


hi nils,
holy crap iā€™ve spent over an hour trying to get your sysx file to work, i dont know what is going on, must be me doing something wrong, but honestly iā€™m done i just want to make music, i feel like an IT guy.
Can you roughly explain the idea behind the patch? like so i can roughly dial it in?
(algorithm, any special things happening with pitch etc)
all good if you cbf, but worth asking

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Hi mathss, I canā€™t remember the algoritm and operator settings off the top of my head, but I did tweak the patch just a few days ago. Iā€™d say itā€™s a very ā€œsensitiveā€ patch - some slight tweaks and the magic is goneā€¦ Difficult to reach the same sound if you donā€™t have the exact levels and frequencies.

If I get the time tonight Iā€™ll load the patch on my DN and take notes of the most crucial parameters (algo #, operator frequencies, offsets), and post them here. I think there are no LFOs in use, and all operator envelope levels are static (no time-based variations).

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Hello donā€˜t know if you tried clicking below on transfer where its written something with syx transferā€¦ or tried c6.
If not, its because they changed formats and transfer has a bug that cant see syx format often.
I donā€˜t have dn , here, will try one day, iā€˜m interested, i love a vocal like sound on bassstation.

In general i also suggest making another project backup with the new formats, its all a bit weirdā€¦

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Sorry for this half-assed explanation (time was short tonight), but this combination of words and images should get you all the way.

Parameters not mentioned are not affecting the sound (eg filter which is not in use).

Harm -14.00
Detune 33.80
Feedback 81
Mix XY -30

Ratio offsets all zero

Lev A 85
Lev B 106

Attack 68
Release 18
Full sustain

Depth 0.20
Destination Syn pitch all

Good dose of chorus and reverb


This is fantastic, you are the man, Iā€™ll try this tonight after workā¤ļø
those pics were probably all I needed

Iā€™ll let you know if I get it sounding any more magic with tweaking

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Theres also something in the last DN update that means older sysex files are no longer readable. @Dataline pointed it out somewhere else on this forum. So it could be that.


I tried the workarounds I saw on here,
I got as far as it saying the digitone had received the pattern, but then it wasnā€™t anywhere to be found.
after ages of messing around I got impatient and just started making music lol

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