Digitone / Digitakt pattern mutes sync

Soooooooo …

Since I haven’t found any answers during my multiples searches over the web, I think I may not be the only one struggling with this problem to master the Digitone Pattern Mutes with the Digitakt.

Midi channels on the DT are set to 1 - 4 on midi tracks A - D.
I’ve just discover that in fact you need to set the midi PARAM OUTPUT to NRPN on both DT & DN (CC is not working, bug on the DN ?), put a midi cable DT OUT > DN IN and DT IN > DN OUT, and now I have full control on the Pattern mutes of the DN from the DT.

But why this hasn’t been documented somewhere !!! (in the Digitone manual, section Digitone with Digitakt seems to be the right place).

Hope it will help.