Digitone external inputs pre or post fader?

I’m away from my digitone for a few weeks but planning a configuration with an analog mixing desk which brought up a few questions about the external inputs not answered in the manual or the forum.

In the master section, i understand that the external input volume and pan parameters control monitoring the inputs to the main outs, but do these also control how much of the external input signal is available to the fx sends? That is, are the fx sends on the master page pre-fader or post-fader?

Also, if i want to record the external inputs via overbridge, is this signal available to the DAW regardless of the input parameter levels? That is, is the signal present in overbridge for the external inputs pre-fader or post-fader?


post. otherwise the external signal will be fed into the FX even when volume is down.
I guess that with fader, you mean the input volume parameter.
Don’t know about OB

Darn, that pretty much precludes its use as an fx processor on an aux send as the dry signal will cause phase issues.

Maybe there is a configuration to kill the dry input signal? I never needed that, so I might have forgotten about that… it would be a cool feature indeed

Yeah I kind of doubt there is - it’s also an issue with the A4 external inputs and they have never implemented a kill dry feature there either. Oh well, I can understand why it’s set up this way to link together boxes intuitively, but it’s a shame when these could so easily act as really nice standalone reverb/chorus/delay units with that one little change.