Digitone faulty led?

Looks like I’ve got a faulty led on my new DN?

T3 lights up the same way as T1, T2 and T4 when selected, but is darker when not selected and barely lights up in Mute Mode. There is a difference between muted and unmuted but the other knobs light up entirely and T3 doesn’t. The color matches though…

Guess I’ll have to send it back for repair or ask for a replacement?
Or is there something else I can do?

Yeah looks like a repair job. See if u can get a replacement. I’ve copped this before, from a used model and luckily the guy took it back and returned my cash. Basically one of the colors on the led is shot.

OK @mattleaf , thanks for the response!
I’ll contact the shop tomorrow and hopefully get a replacement.


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good luck!


Just double check you haven’t got it muted in any of the mute modes, to be sure

I’m sure that’s not the case.
In the video track 3 is unmuted so…but I did double checked it again now :wink:

I wish I could just keep it and didn’t have to go trough the trouble of sending things back and asking for a replacement but it seems it really doesn’t work how it should.

Guess these things can happen. Hopefully the next one is flawless.

There is a mute mode accessed by using func + bank - double sure for that one too?

Otherwise yeah, it happens

You can put the Digitone into ‘Test Mode’ then check the LEDs:

Press and hold the [FUNC] key while powering up the Digitone to access the STARTUP menu. Here you

can perform a variety of tasks. Press the corresponding [TRIG] key to choose the different alternatives.


Press the [TRIG 1] key to enter TEST mode.

For testing purposes, a short sound is sent through all outputs of the unit.

You can perform this self-test if you have any trouble with your Digitone and suspect it may be due to a

hardware problem. Use the [UP] and [DOWN] keys to scroll through the test log. A fully functional device

should not report any errors. Please contact Elektron support or the retailer that you bought your Digitone

from if the device log reports an error


OK guys,

It was already back in the box, but got it out again to be absolutely sure I wasn’t missing or overlooking something.

Already had checked the FUNC+BANK and nothing was muted in any of the modes.

I did a run in Test Mode and there are no errors reported but as you can see in the pictures the red led(or color) from track 3 isn’t working properly. The other colors look OK.

Thanks @mattleaf and @d4ydream for helping me out!

It’s going back in the box and will be sent back for a replacement.