Digitone Feature Request [Bandpass Filter]

An important technique in genres such as ambient, deep techno, psytrance (amongst others) is the use of bandpass filters. With the harmonic richness you get from FM synthesis, bandpass filters can create awesome psychedelic and futuristic sounds, especially with LFO’s and envelopes. Unlike the base-width filter, which has no resonance, slope or envelope control, a bandpass filter on the main filter page would allow for a plethora of sound design possibilities. I don’t see any reason this should not or could not be implemented.

I believe adding a bandpass filter to the main filter section would be both easy, and useful. Given this feature is available in many other synths such as Operator, I see it as a huge disadvantage that the digitone doesn’t have this capability. If I had known this was not available on the synth I would have reconsidered my purchase.

For reference, the main synth in this track uses a sweeping bandpass: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sjl4orBmDL0


Nice track!

BP filter would be nice but I’m happy to have filters at all on an FM synth. FM/subtractive hybrid <3

This would be fantastic!

The base width filter is a bandpass filter even if it’s not resonant it still allows a lot of sculpting and evolving textures with the use of lfos.


Got my vote

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While the DX7 didn’t have filters, its 2021 and all sorts of synthesis types usually include filters (e.g. samplers, wavetable etc). I find that so many modern producers use filters on fm in a way which is hugely important to the sound.

I don’t think it’s really much of a bonus, so I think the more complexity available in the filter section the better.

Yeah, but the resonance and envelope is hugely important for sound design

+100 for BP filter.

Would definitely vote for this!!

Low hanging ripe fruit! Shouldn’t be a problem hardware wise. You know where to write that feature request to? :grinning:

Feature requests go in respective threads per instrument. These posts can’t be moved presently so if you want it to be seen you’ll need to repost. Check guidelines on searching for existing threads.

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