Digitone feature requests!

ah, now that I think about it, I see. Perhaps it would require the sacrifice of a voice, and could be implemented more like unison mode is.

EDIT: I for one almost never use unison; I would use it, however, if it had a simple OP width option.


Since you can already do this with an LFO I don’t see the value of that option (only). Equal opposite panning for each new note is not currently possible. If both options were there then yes, that would be great!



matrix mod please!

4 track mixer.

Using those 4 un-used boxes in the AMP 2 page

Every parameter available as LFO destinations

Visual clues in the Arp Menu Setting Page regarding the offsets. It would be a help to see it stepping thru the positions to gain a clue which step/offset to offset/edit.

Digitone Keys - Midi Ext - when in this mode… A quick key command to the 8 different slots.
Maybe FUNC + 1 - 8 sequencer keys.?
Make it well quick to jump around controlling various bits of gear without hitting the setup menu and knocking the Left and Right arrows.


I dream about samples/granular/wavetable playback on DN.
Just replace SYN1 page (in track settings) to something like DT SRC or implement more complex sample synth voice.
For example:
granular with a lot macro parameters,
2-operator FM synth over two samples/SCW

Of Course I understand that as it already has polyphony, 2 LFO, multimap, chorus, chord mode and scales it will totally canibalize DT, and other elektron synth a bit)

But It will be dream machine.


So, 1.30A is out and they finally tried to fix the live recording bug that annoyed me for 18 months now. Thank you Elektron. To recall: When recording notes in live recording over existing notes, the triggers would turn into trigless locks.

Now, here’s the new behaviour of 1.30A:

  • When recording over existing stuff in live recording, trigless locks are kept, which is good.
  • When recording over existing notes, they no longer are turned into (yellow) trigless locks, but get deleted instead.

Now that is stupid. They should rethink this. In the world of sequencers, there are normally two modes of live recording:

  1. Record: Everything that you record over gets deleted, and replaced with what you record.
  2. Overdub: Everything that you record is added to what is already existing.

So, the DT/DK does not allow you to choose between those (like the Akai boxes, for instance), fair enough. But what they implemented is this:

  • Everything you record ist added to the existing sequence, EXCEPT when a note is held everything for the duration of that note is deleted and replaced by this note. So when you play notes over an existing sequence, the sequencer actually switches between Record and Overdub all the time, which makes it difficult to control the outcome. Previous notes that occured during short gaps of newly recorded notes are kept, while others are deleted.

What I would expect: Either Record (delete all) or Overdub (add notes). What I would prefer: Overdub.

While I respect their efforts to eliminate that year-old annoying bug, I think they failed.


How about being able to assign the amp envelope as a mod env? There’s a free slot on that page.


The metronome should always work, regardless of overbridge or not PLEASE.

Swing should be able to be added to the arpeggiator. Please.


CONTROL ALL override of sound locks and parameter locks.
It would be a fantastic performance feature and very helpful if we could have a mode or some way of overriding sound locks and parameter locks with CONTROL ALL. Currently this is only possible with one track at the time in LIVE RECORDING mode. So of course if Live Recording mode could record parameter changes for all 4 tracks simultaneously that could do it but a special mode without recording would be great too.


Is there any particular reason why the +drive is limited to 8 banks? Surely as it’s only storing Sysex data it could be easily increased like they did with the A4?
Currently there’s not even enough space to store all of Elektron’s own sound packs. Mine filled up really quickly once I bought a few a while back…

Oh yes… and midi arp please :pray:

(Edit) and animating the parameter dials to reflect applied lfo and envelope behaviour would be a great help for sound design too :wink:


A routable envelope follower on the external input would be fun.

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When pushing down an encoder for bigger adjustments, it would be nice if turning the encoder turned to linear response rather than dynamic like when turning the encoder normally. This would make rhythmic adjustments for recording in live recording mode or in live situations more predictable.


The classic ARP MIDI OUT request


How about a key mode where when you pick your scale, all notes not in that scale dissapear rather than just dimming the light so you can have 2 octaves at once? One octave on the black keys and then another octave on the white keys may be quite ergonmic?

Would save heaps of time and be less disorientating to not have to keep changing. I do a lot of wide portamento stuff and I’m crying out for this.

Please :slight_smile:


Good idea!


What about trig + no to mute the trig?


Yes, with a different color…or a 0% trig condition?

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The ability to turn on and off arpeggiator through conditional trig is actually nice and the speed of arpeggiator can be controlled by LFO.

Other requests

Each LFO with two destinations

Freely assignable complex envelope

Wavetable and sample loaded via USB for each operator waveform

More digital filter and effect options, Comb filter, Formant Filter, Bit rate reduction, Ring Modulation and Equalizer

DN could easily become all-round digital synth with a few more additional features.


I’d love it if the CH.LEN parameter was valid for chained play EVEN WHEN NUMERICALLY HIGHER than the the pattern length. At the moment the parameter is only honoured if less than the pattern length (which you have to discover by yourself).
It reckon this would make chaining far more useful and song-structurey than it is now.

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Shimmering Reverb