Digitone feature requests!

The more modulations the better

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… an LFO for the delay and/or reverb parameters, to get more interesting effects out of delay and/or reverb …

I was bummed out the other day that his feature is available on the Syntakt, but not on the Digis. Unless I somehow totally missed it :wink:

posted also in Digitakt feature request


It’s possible with MIDI loopback (or midi sequencing from another machine) sent to the FX channel, but does involve working with the MIDI cc’s, one LFO and 8 parameters per controlling midi channel. Though yes, it’d be super cool to be able to control and lock them like the fx track on Syntakt does.

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Hmmm! That’s still to be done via physically creating a loopback via midi cable, right? But I should look into it :stuck_out_tongue:

Edit: Oh wait, when I have Digitakt and Digitone connected anyway can I send CCs from Takt to Tone and vice versa?


Yes, it’s a physical midi cable (and a standard one will do), and DT/DN should have to problem talking to each others’ tracks and FX channels at the same time.

@DaveMech had a cool video this summer about setting up performance macros (MW/BC/AT/PB sound controls) between DT/DN: Connect Digitakt + Digitone tutorial // Powerful and easiest method - YouTube , and I did one on making the DT control its own FX channel, all of which works on DN (in theory, I don’t own one but the feature set is near-identical). ST and DN can also loop-back to control and sequence their own performance macros, too.

Weird and wonderful machines!

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Am I right, there’s no keyboard filter tracking in Digitone?

I’m pretty sure there is, in the set up menu where you can set a track to mono and set velocity mods etc.

Question from a simple man: what is it?

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Keyboard note value affecting the filter cutoff frequency: the higher the note, the higher the cutoff frequency. In the Digitone it can be set between 0 and 100.


FILTER KEYTRACK in the Sound Menu? (FUNC+[TRIG])

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Vel (velocity) as LFO destination for the audio tracks.
Then you can set up a macro for velocity modulation, you disable “vel to volume” and so you get a four parameters macro as lfo destination. Already possible with midi LFOs but in this case we could enjoy audio rates LFOs of the audio tracks and get a true FM modulation of four parameters in same time :nerd_face:


Lovely, thanks for the info!

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I thought it’s already implemented so searched for vel parameter for half an hour)

Yes, this is killer idea and SHOULD be implemented!

Let’s flood Elektron support email)

In fact, I think it can already be done on the Digitone Keys. You have 2 have CV inputs on it and you can assign a 4 parameters macro modulation to them. So, in theory, it could be possible to send audio signal to modulate 4 parameters in the same time.
It could even be possible to take one of the individual outputs and send it to CV input.

Any user of the DK could confirm this ?

I guess it will work with DN and any external midi lfo (like from DT or M4L ) with cv it might be less discrete, but anyway it’s not the same as having additional internal mod matrix.

Yes, you can even do it with a single Digitone and a midi cable. The midi tracks can control the macro modulation of the audio tracks but you are limited by the rate of the midi lfo that can’t do FM. This is why “vel” as destination on the audio lfos would change everything (and why, in theory, the cv inputs of the DK could already make this kind of stuff…).

There’s a video feature request from @fredweb here:

to make the scale quantization of the keyboard also apply to the Note knob on Trig page.

(Even before the update, he kinda mentioned it in this video too https://youtu.be/RFgaZj0TnTU?t=989 and also requesting that note entry doesn’t always sound)

Commenters agree this would be very helpful for live improvisation.
I think it might need a way to override the quantization, so you can pick an “off” note if needed, maybe shift.


agreed +1
and apply to arp designer too.


It would be very handy, if the mute destinations for midi channels would send the corresponding midi messages in song mode too not only when pressing the trigs. So you could manage a song just by settings up the song mode on one Elektron device instead of an individual song mode on each device.

Ever since song mode took over the :black_square_button: :black_square_button: :black_square_button: button, i was trying to think of a more elegant solution to the problem i have with arrangement/mixing process on the Digitone.
For me, amount of time and effort you have to spend on making sound pool sounds gell together in a mix, usually big enough to stop my creative flow, so i tend to skip this amazing feature and just stick to using track sounds only. :drunk:
This :arrow_down: solution i shared before, wouldnt work that well even if button wasnt repurposed.


  • cant hear changes to whole pattern until you save sound over itself
  • if you have more than one song in the project, it will break other songs that use same sound

Ive come up with more intuitive and faster method to quickly change your p-locked sounds from the sound pool throughout whole pattern! :small_red_triangle_down:

  1. hold step
  2. click encoders of which parameters you want to global edit
    (that parameter is now in temporary global edit mode, and its value blinks)
  3. all trigs that are locked with the same sound/s that is being held, will now be reacting together
    (works with multiple sounds at once, as well as track sound)
  4. release step/s after you are done, whole pattern is now edited, done.

Q: how values work?
A: same as control all feature, but selective. High hats that that had AMP 60 45 80 will turn into 70 55 90, if you increase value by 10 on one of them in temp. global edit.

Q: what happens if i hold two different sounds and edit them globally?
A: chosen parameters will be changed on both sounds.

Q: can i edit values on multiple pages?
A: switching pages wont reset chosen parameters, only releasing the step does.

Q: will this break fast push+turn feature?
A: no. (temp. global edit only activates if there was no value changes between encoder press-depress)

PROS of new method:

  • you can dial in changes while the pattern is running
  • you can mix in/edit multiple sounds at once
  • only affects one pattern

P.S. Sound pool feature is a juggernaut, its very powerful, but at the same time unwieldy.
Because of Digitones 4 track limit, its an integral feature which wants to be used as often as possible. Also because of that, DN is affected the most out of all Digis.
This might not be the final solution, but current best in my mind. I hope Elektron will come up with something even better! :blue_heart: