Digitone feature requests!

The ability to export as a sound a plock step would be very nice. But your “global edit mode” use already taken combinations of buttons (hold a step + click encoder clears the plock value of this encoder…).


yep +1 for quick “save p-locked step as new sound”. would be epic.


it is truly a puzzle thats waiting to be solved :pray:

I would love to see some different distortion flavors, and some more filter options as well (resonance control on the base width filter would be cool too).

Some sort of mod matrix for envelopes and lfos, to add more destinations (maybe similar to the velocity mods) could add a lot of movement.

I don’t expect any of these happening though


What about looping envelops? :crazy_face: that would be amazing


Mostly a DK issue and Im sure someones commented this but the scale/chord features need to be better integrated with the arp. Its so dumb how it wont force notes into scale right now. slight edit: should also apply to the selection of notes available in the trig page.

I could be mistaken, havent heavily tested this but it seems like the scale, chord, and the pitch/mod wheel are only compatible with the internal synth engine. no options to affect midi notes being sent out or send cc values like you can via the encoders and lfos. Which is a real bummer because the mod and pitch wheel each have 4 destinations each.

edit: i mean you cant assign 4 destinations to the pitch/modwheel. it works as a regular pitch and mod wheel over midi.

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it makes the cutoff frequency correspond to the notes being played. really helpful for the ol HP bass boost trick and making sounds more organic – natural sounds typically get brighter the higher the note.

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I started getting creative with song mode. It’s pretty awesome and very “efficient”, in terms of reusing patterns in interesting ways rather than needing to create new patterns.

My wish right now for song mode is for it to be possible to set start points of patterns in addition to end points. That would open an incredible amount of possibility that would rival something like ableton live. As it is, messing with end points and jumbling up little parts of patterns is really fun.


feature-request@elektron.se !

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AR needs this too

Parameter slides


I’m struggling with the sound management in the DN, i find it cumbersome.

When double pressing a track button i would like it to show me the preset i’m using.
I’d like an easy shortcut to save to the Soundpool.
I’d like the ability to change preset in the preset menu and hear straight the result.


add note input method, when you hold trig and press Note button, doesnt support keyboard fold.
would be sweet if it kept KB fold layout during that action :sketchy:


Ability to save MIDI track settings would be super great! The implementation I would like to see is using FUNC - LEVEL like how you select a sound from the sound pool. Or double pressing T1-4 like you do to bring up the sound browser.


I find really strange that you can’t prelisten sounds when selecting a new sound for already recorded sequence. So you have to load it and quit sound menu to see if it works for this sequence or not. Would speed up things a lot if you could just scroll through sounds and hear them played instantly.


@Tajnost, you can preview sounds although you won’t preview the whole sequence. When you’re in the sound browser, playing into your AUTO CH will trigger the currently selected sound.

If you’re referring to the keyboard scale, this actually possible.

If I understood you right, you mean preview by playing DN keyboard or ext midi keys? Yes sure, but would be much more interesting to hear the actual sequence with a selected sound without loading it and exiting sound menu


Internal midi loopback.

It’s probably in this thread already, but I’ve got to argue for it. Besides saving ports and making loopback techniques more convenient, it’s also safer than using a cable, since you won’t be crashing your unit when you screw up the config. Plus, you’ll finally get around to trying out the multi map feature. (I doubt anyone is setting up loopback just for that.)

The other thing, and this goes for all gear everywhere, not just DN or Elektron, is support for arbitrary user-crafted scales/tunings. The industry has been pretty awful at this overall. It is about time that changed, and we should really be pressuring manufacturers to rectify it.

For DN specifically, I’d want some way to manage the scales seen on the track note page. I find there are too many for comfort, particularly when you stick to a few. Realistically, we’d need on-device management for user tunings anyway, and you wouldn’t want to scroll through a zillion factory western tunings if you never use them.


Support for non-12TET scales has already been requested a few times here; I’d like to second that and point to Midi Tuning Standard (MTS) as one way to implement it that is also already used by a growing number of other hardware synths.

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