Digitone feature requests!

Have you looked into the Fill mode for conditional triggers?

What do you mean Autopoiesis?

Change order of filter types. Now it’s like LP2, HP, LP4. Really better for usage would be LP2 and LP4 are next to eachother



RTFM friend

Well it sounded like it was possible to use fill with triggers that are set to other conditions, like the probability condition. Otherwise it’s just FILL Mode.

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That’s RUDE! And your question is not even clear at all!


I want to be able to mute tracks that are being controlled via external sequencers. As it is now, when you mute a track on the DN, it still plays if the external sequencer is running.


I found this behaviour odd too. So +1 for your suggestion. Mute should silence the track not just the internal sequencer

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BUT still allow the sounds to fade out like they currently do. I wish the OT had that feature.


not sure it’s possible to have both. unless there’s a switch to decide which you want.

personally I think mute just muting the sequencer makes sense and was done on purpose. it’s a tightly-coupled synth/sequencer combo after all, not a standalone sound module. and I think all of their devices are designed this way.

seems like it’d make more sense to mute the sequence on your external sequencer (sounds like you’re using OT?) than to try and mute it in the DN. I mean the whole purpose of sequencing it externally is to remove it from controlling itself, basically; so why then try to mute it locally? :man_shrugging:


Oh yeah, that’s how I’m doing it. But I always want more options!

I would definitely like a performance mode, midi knobs renaming and the exact same feature as the volca drum : step jump (pushing the step retrigs all 4/8 tracks on this step while releasing it picks up sequence on sync)

And another but weird feature to ask : possibility of disabling live recording of incoming midi : so that I can use midi loop back multimap :blush: DN then becomes an 7/8 tracks standalone sequencer synth

I am happy with the device, but I have a couple of features that would make it even better.

  1. Possibility to sync the LFO on the sequence trig of a arp. Now it retrigs every note but I want it to Restart when the 64 step long not is trigged at step 1.

  2. The possibility to mute sound of the notes entered in step sequence mode from the chromatic keyboard.

  3. LFO destination Ratio B to sweep through all ratios in the complete depth of the LFO instead of the weird sweep it does now.

  4. A bit more ARP functionality’s like swing, random up down and that the up or down note hit twice.

  5. Some alternate destinations on the filter envelope. In page two there could be room.

  6. Use a sound as a kit, so when you have multiple patterns with the same sound any tweaks stays within the sound unless you reload the saved sound.

But still I am happy, but these things pop in my mind :slight_smile:

Set LFO to run free and PLock LFO Trg at Trig one.
I think that should do it.

I will try this at home.

Just tried it, but no luck. If I PLock the LFO to retrig the LFO retrigs at every note just like the manual says. But I want to only retrig when the trig is hit and not every single note in the arpeggiator. It also doesn’t help if I PLock the LFO to free on a trig less note after it.


I very much dislike audio level mutes that cut off the tails of sounds. Sequencer mute is much better. Use a sequencer that can do that.


If it didn’t cut tails then? Here’s my very specific use case for this request. I play guitar with a midi pickup, so want to sometimes hear my actual guitar signal through the DN inputs, and have the synth tracks playing from the midi pickup, with a simple pattern switch tuning voices on and off as required. Hmm, it’s difficult to work out a good solution. Actually, thinking out loud as I type: I could set the volumes down on patterns that I do not want to hear the synth. Okay, problem solved. Carry on everyone. No need for this request :sweat_smile:

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