Digitone feature requests!

I think if it was a switchable lock it wouldnt take anything away, only add options for folks who want to get really specific with their harmonic content. Everyone gets what they want! Lol


Kind of like a FUNC + PRESS ENCODER to unlock?

Makes sense :slightly_smiling_face:

How about a customisation option to allow the ā€˜control allā€™ function take priority over parameter locks.

I promise I will ā€˜function+noā€™ straight afterwards so no trigs would be harm in the creation of chaos!

How about a Global midi and cc setting for projects. So I donā€™t always have to go back and re-assign the midi channels and cc values everytime I go to a new pattern.


Ability to switch EXT MIDI control profiles without accessing the menu, Ideally with a key combo. would be helpful for the Digitone Keys. I havent had too many issues with anything really. But that would help me out :slight_smile:

Finally found a new feature request idea! In using the DN with my OT, Iā€™m sequencing the DN with the OT MIDI tracks. I want to be able to place a triggerless trig on the DN that has a sound locked from the pool so that when that step hits from the OT, the sound is triggered instead of the default track sound.


I wish DN had a traditional noise source. It is such a fantastic drum synth, but I always find myself longing for the ability to add in a bit of noise and while feedbacking can produce noise, it is hard to get just right.


Easy-to-implement stuff:

Allow option for arp notes to optionally be quantized to track scale (like the manual says it should be arp+offsets pre scale quantizarion)

Random order mode for arpeggiator (surprised it didnā€™t come with this!)

more scale options

On the trig page, func+turning the root encoder should jump up and down octaves, not just flip to the highest/lowest values

When doing a track or pattern transpose, function + up/down should jump one octave like in similar parts of the digitone (quick note edit for example). I would really appreciate this for performance reasons!

Allow arp parameters to be plocked/modulated

Fixed operator ratios (toggle on same page as ratio offset, turns ratio offset box into setting frequency in hz, ratios on syn1 page still multiply/divide this frequency)

make an option for sound locking not steal voice of other track sounds with same note#

midi setting option to disable ā€œstop voicesā€ message being sent when double pressing stop button (to allow users to do midi loopback without fear of freezing everything)

more track speed options, ability to set a trig condition on trig page before placing trigs on track (instead of needing to parameter lock each one, handy for numerous trigs with same condition)

Add Trig conditions 1:9 thru 9:9, Iā€™ve been missing those in triplet-heavy tracks

Stereo spread parameter which sends a different x/y mix to the left and right channels, basically panning the mixes left and right from what was set at the mix control - would make a huge difference in the digitone stereo footprint!

More involved feature requests:

microtonal scale support (please, glide isnā€™t cutting it!)

Song mode!!!

another lfo, multiple destinations per lfo, and/or a modulator which varies depth based on note # played

Smoothed random lfo shape

modulation of FX parameters /more FX parameters (drive/distortion in delay feedback loop for really dubby sounds)

Retrig function from digitakt

More filter models (comb+ and comb-, lpg, various other filter types).

Allow patterns settings to connect track sounds so that edits to one affect the other (a simple optional kit implementation)

New algorithm with 3 modulators modulating 1 carrier (a 3 way branch structure).


I need some direct jump pattern changing action. That way my OT can drive all my sequencing and I can change sounds on the fly without having to wait minimum of 2 steps.

I would also love the ability to use triggerless trigs to set soundlocks on the DN while still sequencing the melody from the OT.

Last, if the soundlock thing isnā€™t doable, there should be a multimap setting that letā€™s you use lower keys to trigger different soundpool sounds while higher keys on a different midi channel play the trackā€™s melody.


I donā€™t have DN but isnā€™t this already possible?

What happens if you use Range(s) set to the INT.TRIG function for some low note numbers and a Range set to PAT.PLAY or INT.TRIG (depending on exactly what you want) for some high note numbers?

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Im not sure how everyone else feels about it, but I wish digitone had kits. Or a kit mode you could turn on or off. Be able to tweak the sound of a long chain of patterns without it resetting every pattern.


Hmmm. I didnā€™t think about using the internal trigs for this. I wonder if I could still program my melodic content via the OT and the soundlocks on the DN.

Iā€™m pretty sure everyone wants this. haha.


Iā€™m glad that it doesnā€™t have this. Unless it was optional of course.
No need to save many different kits all the time for just a bit of sound variation in patterns. This makes the DN much more immediate and easy to use. And itā€™s easy to copy and paste elements from any pattern to the next so no real need, I think.


+1 An optional kit mode would be amazing.


Kits are useful when you tweak sounds while performing, otherwise you have only two options:

  • Make each section of your set in one pattern.
  • Get your tweaks undone when you change patterns if you have many patterns per section.

While itā€™s not impossible to perform with the limitations above, an optional kit mode would make some things easier.


This is why I moved to sequencing the DN with my OT for longer stuff. Now each pattern is a kit on the DN.

Fill per track for all Elektron devices

I agree. Itā€™s much simpler. For a basic kit mode, people can save their base settings as Sounds and load those up. At least thatā€™s what I tend to do. No harm in having a toggle-able option tho