Digitone feature requests!

Overbridge audio input. Send audio from my DAW to the inputs of DN so i can use it as an FX box like i do with 1/4inch.

Multimap in USBmidi/OB


Being able to share sounds across patterns would be very much appreciated :relaxed:


Copy the sound from one pattern to the next or paste the whole pattern, itā€™s that simple.
If we get kits the synth is going to get complicated to use. IMO.

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Maybe they can think of another way that kits (they have some good user interface experience). I dont know maybe something like if the sound comes from the sound pool of the project it should be shared across patterns.

At the moment you just cannot easily get from one melody on one pattern to the other on another pattern without having parameter jumps if you tweaked a knob just a tiny bit.
You can choose to sequence from another machine but you loose the mojo then because to recreate plocks you need to think about which cc etcā€¦

I am kind of okay with it and like it as it is but having an option to share sounds across patterns would not hurt anyone.


Could be interesting to have ā€œglobalā€ sounds, and patterns either use that global sound, or not. If using the global sound, parameters can be p-locked but those parameter settings that are not p-locked are carried along when switching patterns.

I could imagine any trackā€™s sound could be set to ā€œglobalā€ (using one of the few empty boxes). Digitone would be as today, and if in a given pattern for a given track you set ā€œglobalā€ other patterns are unaffected. If you go to another pattern and set the same track to ā€œglobalā€, itā€™s sound jumps to match the other one and so onā€¦ Just thinking aliudnšŸ˜Š


That sounds like a good and actually feasible solution.
Keep those thoughts coming. :slightly_smiling_face:

If not suggested before:

Pretty please add a function that allows you to use the track keys as drum pads. That way one could punch in drum patterns for all four voices. Peachy.

(If this is somehow already possible on the digitone as it is, PLEASE let me know).


This is a cool idea, are you thinking of sound locks or multi map or something else?

@sezare56 - any possible workflows/workarounds here? midi loopback? external midi keyboard? midi processor?

Usually i just create individual drum sounds on each track. Iā€™m aware of the possibility to hook up an external pad controller for finger drumming, but it would be cool to be able to do it on the digitone by default. I figured the track keys would be suitable, instead of dealing with menu diving.

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Well ya, but with sound locks or the multi map we could get at more than 4 sounds at once.

Thatā€™s true

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Itā€™s possible to play Multi Map with DN only but, first octave only in MM edit mode apparently (works with A4, possible to change octaves). :sketchy:
Feature Request.

Possible with midi loopback (midi cable between in and out), midi tracks playing Multi Map.

re-reading I see what youā€™re saying now - some modifier or other way to just trig the track sound by pressing the 4 track keys would be sweet. Especially if the root note could be set. Got my vote. (:

mmm, didnā€™t notice that, will have to try - thank you for pointing it outā€¦

mmm, could get pretty wild! Would need to set up the multi map pretty carefully tho.

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Yeah, it would be awesome to have the trig functionality, but break out of the multimap menu and be able to access all of the parameter pages.

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Why isnā€™t portamento a trig parameter?

I think it is, isnā€™t it? Iā€™ve done it I think.

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PTIM Portamento Time sets the time for the portamento (1ā€“127)
PORT Portamento turns the portamento on/off (ON, OFF)

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You can already do that.

Read the contextā€¦

I would love the ability to set the operator envelope start level, or even just have it be the same as the end level. Sometimes I want a heavily modulated sound with slow attack, but donā€™t want it to start with no modulation. please let me know is this is possible. Because of this I find the attack parameter to be much less useful than it otherwise would be.