Digitone feature requests!

Ability to Midi control the PROB parameter on DN and DT would be nice!


Additive parameters like harmonics and spread to adjust frequency ratios of partials for the final stage of synthesis.
It could be implemented as one of effects.


Set scale length - [Func] +[page] to 3/4
pattern length to 12/16.

This will give you triplets at the current bpm.

No micro-timing required.


It would be really handy if there was some way of being ableto load up patterns saved to the +drive in other projects.

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The notion of using the outs as sync ports is pretty interesting for ob mode. Dunno how functional itā€™d be but could be interesting

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BPM per track or another method of playing the tracks out of time with each other by smaller increments than steps.


Louder Reverb
User waves


Number one request from me: ratcheting! I would love to p-lock rolls and make them fill-conditional for build ups.


In summary: I would love quick select while in Mute mode, via Func + Track buttons.

I came here to post that wish. On the Digitakt thereā€™s a dedicated Track button to press in order to select tracks, regardless of Mute mode ON or OFF (I guess itā€™s there so that tracks can be selected without trigerring the sound, which is not an issue on the Digitone).

Now, on the Digitone, I love to stay in Mute mode but would love it even more if I could change track selection without exiting Mute mode. I instinctively tried to press Func and the track buttons, thinking it would invert the behavior we have when not in Mute mode (quick mute) but it doesnā€™t.


Several other Harmonics series (additive) for the HARM parameter would be fantastic!

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Yep :upside_down_face:

Just made a seperate topic for this, but then found this thread.

  1. more scales, whatā€™s there at the moment is fairly minimal
  2. after a pattern is created and playing, Iā€™d love to be able to preview new sounds for that pattern without having to FUNCTION + YES. Just scrolling the wheel and the sound changing when itā€™s highlighted would be amazing
  3. random pattern generation, pick a scale and a number of trigs, and digitone would generate a pattern and spread it over the sequence.
  4. note / trig repeat for the sequencer, could be a parameter lock. Hold down a trig and tell it to repeat the trig itā€™s on for 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 or 8 times before continuing with the sequence. Similar to how the Metropolis works in modular.
  5. Iā€™m a big fan of using the grid record mode to enter notes manually into the sequencer on the TRIG page. If I set up the scale in the ADD NOTES section, and edit the individual steps using the TRIG section in the grid record, it only allows me to select all the notes chromatically.
    Iā€™d love to be able to use this way of entering notes but have it only allow me to pick the notes in the scale iā€™ve enabled within the note parameter lock box, so only those notes appear and it will skip the others that arent in the selected scale.

Multimap sounds need to be more accessible. Imagine being able to map a trig to a midi key instead of a sound from the sound pool.
Then you just press and hold a trig and tweak it, easily edit many different sounds for multimap easily instead of having to load, Edit, save each time!

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Retrig please, I want to be aphex twin but I canā€™t without it. :upside_down_face::yum: I know the fake retrig hack but itā€™s cumbersome

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The arp can do retrig.

I know, but itā€™s a bit tedious.

I think it would be great to extend the Randomize-function by allowing more YES+Button combos, like YES+T1/2/3/4 for randomizing whole sounds, or PAGE+YES for generating a random pattern


yea random patterns within set scales & range of notes (like polyend tracker) would be sick

After using this with a couple of different HW compressors, it makes such a huge difference, so would be it that hard to add a simple multimode comp per track?

It really makes the world of difference.


More LFOā€™s

Parameter Slide

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