Digitone feature requests!

Use the envelope (EXP) in the LFO.

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I consider this now if an oversight than a new feature. arpeggiator is severely limited.

Louder audio over USB. So maybe a USB audio output level?

It is very quiet compared to a Zoom H1N or a TASCAM D40X.


15 minutes of free burn-in is still insane…
Try leaving a white square on your Samsung oled phone screen for 15 minutes every time you turn it off… See how that goes…

This is why Korg doesn’t have these problems.
Minilogue xd: Screen dims after 2 minutes, really dims, not like that invisible elektron dimming. Screen goes fully off after 5 minutes.
Also, they don’t run their displays at peak brightness all the time. This makes it look a lot more uniform.


Boosting audio levels by 6dB is just a simple bit shift operation, it should have been in the DT/DN or Overbridge from the beginning.
But that discussion has been locked away some time ago, due to it being “as intended”. Simply because of people defending headroom while misunderstanding gain-staging.
Don’t try to bring this up again :shushing_face: :zipper_mouth_face:

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Is parameter slide already implemented?

I’m currently attempting to use my Digitone with OB, utilizing the input and FX for a Pocket Operator. I can sync the PO with the metronome of the DN, however, in order to use the FX, I end up with a feedback loop.

The only way to get the metronome to output allowing me to sync the PO (or modular gear etc) I have to enable “INT TO MAIN”. This works fine if I don’t want to apply FX to the input, however, that’s the major draw for me in using this setup. I love the Chorus, Reverb and Delay of the Digitone and would like to print those FX to the incoming signal.

I would love to see a feature in a future firmware release that could separate the metronome output from “INT TO MAIN”, perhaps adding “metronome to main”, sending clicks isolated to the headphone or line outputs.

The fact that you can subdivide the metronome output makes it incredibly useful for clock sync and with the Overbridge workflow, it leaves me with dormant hardware outputs from my Digitone that I think would be perfect sync ports!

Anyone else with me on this? I submitted a ticket but am curious to see if any of you would support this idea as well.


Midi instrument/ “sound” would be great.
Save midi pages the same as you can save sound/presets!


Ah I was talking about Class Compliant USB Audio/MIDI setting instead of OB.

Still think it’s worth bringing up!


I’m with you on this one. Wouldn’t use it myself but I see the added value of this.
Having the headphones output something different than the main outputs is not possible though, since they’re hooked up to the same output.

Metronome to headphones only would be huge!!! I use a small monitor mixer for my in-ears, which takes the headphones out from OT, DN, and my guitar amp sim pedal. If I could secretly have metronome turned on via the DN, it would rock my world.

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Right, my post should read “headphone and line outputs” not “or”.

Not implemented but it would be an amazing feature to add. I’ve only just started experimenting with them on OT and I get why everyone wants them on the new boxes.

I’m sure this has been mentioned but worth mentioning again:
the ability to record incoming MIDI CC messages in live record mode!


So I noticed on the reverb page there are 2 rather appetising looking empty slots.

One should be for panning the reverb. I noticed even when panning hard to one side the reverb remains in the centre of the field.

Also if using the stereo outputs as 2 seperate mono outs by hard panning instruments left or right, the reverb could be isolated from one channel.




You need 4 cc select & 4 values knobs to handle NRPN, it would be nice if it could be streamlined to 1 of each.

[FUNC]+Press the knob on the CC select page to switch this knob to NRPN mode.
Press the knob again and you enter a page to set the MSB/LSB of the parameter and the min/max range of the value and why not a name.
Then use the corresponding cc value to set the desired value.

1 “cc” select, 1 cc value.

I’m not sure if it’s a good way of doing it or if it would work for all the cases but it could certainly help?

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Not sure if it’s been mentioned before, but I would LOVE some kind of triplet mode for the sequencer. Especially when you get an arp going that has a triplet feeling to it, it takes so long to get the micro-timing right on the other tracks!


I know these have been requested loads of times, but it’s been a few days since somebody mentioned the arpeggiator. Any or all of the following would be fantastic:

  • p-lockable
  • random mode
  • arp swing
  • arp on midi tracks
  • option to follow track scale for arp offset
  • polyphonic (chord mode)

midiiii arppppp :pray:

pretty please :relieved:


I really think being able to shape the stages of the envelopes or (sync) loop them would make it so much more powerful. AHDSR envelopes that you could have linear, as they are now, or control how exponential they were.

You’d be able to shape the sounds so much more.