Digitone feature requests!

  1. performance mode a la A4/AR

[FUNC]+PRESS A would enter the performance mode (8 knobs to turn),
push again [FUNC]+PRESS A and switch to the mixer view (T1 T2 T3 T4 FX). (push again and you’re back to the perf knobs view, etc).
push [FUNC]+[IMP/EXP] in this mode and you are in the PERF. configuration panel.
[FUNC]+NO and you get out of performance mode, NO and you go back just one panel (when in configuration panel)

then the first 8 rows of the sequencer would be used to mute/unmute all the tracks (4 synth, 4 midi).
the second 8 rows of the sequencer would be used to switch tracks (so that we can edit all of their settings muted or not)

I think the [FUNC]+ PRESS level to access sound browser should have been the way to access performance mode. I never use this combo, so much easier to double tap on the track or most of the time I’ll go directly to the sound manager (as you get all the power).

  1. only access the sound manager panel.

I don’t understand the need for the simple sound panel.
The sound manager functionalities can be accessed with the left/right arrow keys and are always welcome so every sound panel should be a sound manager panel.

  1. sound kits

I love that sounds are automatically saved with the pattern but I would love an option to save them as a sound kit too.
It’s great for drum kits(but obviously for anything else!). create a pattern with a kit, switch kit = fun!

Just need to add import kit, export kit, manage kits when pressing [FUNC]+[IMP/EXP].


Kits is an interesting idea. Makes the unit more congruent with other members of the Elektron family.


I guess this extra-layer could be confusing but I miss this feature on the Digitone and I miss even more the performance mode (kits holding performance mode settings).
By just adding an import kit/export kit/manage kits when pressing [FUNC]+[IMP/EXP], it would be easy to get your head around it though.

LFOs page layout

On the MIDI LFO page you can see all the settings of the LFO (SPD, MULT, FADE, DEST, WAVE, SPH, MODE, DEP) while you need to switch between pages on the SYNTH tracks for each LFO.

My brain does not like the layout being different. so having 2 LFOs on the MIDI track would solve this problem!

Obviously 4 LFOs would be nice (or at least 2 destinations per LFO a la A4 - with the exact same page layout would be great too).


Same here, I would be very happy if each LFO on the synth tracks had a seperate page.


Yes. But with 2 midi lfos per track! :content:

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scales for arp


I’ve always loved the classics Lando! Hopefully it’ll come one day :slight_smile:

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I would love it if they did that, but I think there’s a good reason why they don’t.
These boxes still have a MIDI DIN connector, which has a limited speed.

To be exact:
At 300 BPM(the maximum) a MIDI clock tick has to be sent every 8.3ms, which on DIN takes about 0.3ms. This leaves you with 8 ms of time to send MIDI messages between the clock ticks at maximum BPM. Clock ticks get sent 24 times per quarter note.
So in conclusion this leaves you with just enough time to send 48 full MIDI messages every sixteenth note.
With both the Digi’s taking up a possible 32 of those for note messages from the midi tracks, this leaves you in a tight space for parameter locks and LFO’s. And that’s not even counting the possibility of the controls sending NRPN, which takes 4ms per full message.

So while I would love some extra MIDI LFO’s, it’s just physically impossible without compromising the timing of the other messages and the risk of flooding the MIDI output buffer.


No good reason, because OT has 24 midi lfos! :content:
Yes, midi is limited, but if you’re aware and realize you’re demanding too much, you can reduce data. I usually use random lfo with Hold mode, so I wouldn’t be afraid of 4 midi lfos per track, even more with internal parameters like Note, Velocity, Length, Prob, lfo parameters (if more than 1 lfo)…


OK, I’m in :grinning:

This made me think of a possible technical solution:
They could just check in memory how many notes and parameter locks a pattern has, and adjust the data rate of the LFO’s accordingly for each pattern. Although, I have to be honest it’s probably a lot of work for Elektron to accomplish…
But not impossible :grin:

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in fact, I want the same page layout as the one used for the SYNTH tracks but on the MIDI tracks and therfore not 1 but 2 LFOs.

At first I wanted the SYNTH track LFO to be layout like the MIDI track (see all parameters) and switch between the first and second LFO by tapping the LFO button (like on the A4).
This layout is very useful when setting the LFO.

But the SYNTH LFO layout is very useful for live playing: you can adjust the most impactful parameters of the 2 LFOs at the same time!

MULT/FADE/MOD/SPH are kind of a “set once and forget about it” settings whereas manipulating WAVE/SPD/DEST/DEP while playing a pattern has dramatic effects on the sound and with the SYNTH layout you can adjust them both at once so I find this layout rather clever.

The A4 strikes a good compromise as one LFO has 2 destinations and you can adjust them both at the same time live while still being able to access all the parameters.

So both layouts have their advantages/disadvantages but if had to choose, I’ll take the SYNTH layout.

Possible solutions:

  1. being able to switch the layout in a setting page (LFO layout: LIVE MODE/SET MODE)

  2. A4 style LFO and LFO layout

  3. use the “all parameters visible” layout for both LFOs (tap to switch between 1&2) but if you press [FUNC] while editing a parameter it will move both LFOs parameter relative to their current position.

  4. add a performance mode!!! you can set freely up to 4 parameters per knob and go crazy about it.

I guess 3 + 4 would be the best.

or hardware side: an even bigger screen haha

I just got a DN and I’ve barely scratched the surface, but if it were possible to mute all the trigs within a track that share the same patch, that would be very helpful. For example, if you’ve got kicks and hats on the same “drum” track. Don’t know the best button combo to make that happen.

You could, as a fairly simple workaround, condition all the kicks, for example, at 100%, leaving the hats as regular trigs, then drop the probability for that track to 0% to remove them all in one go temporarily. Or do the opposite if you want the kicks removed. Then bring Probability back up to 100% to bring them all back in.


You can set probability per track? Thought that was only for trigs. If that’s doable, that would be cool.

I wonder if there is a way to use conditional trigs set to “fill” in the opposite way… So instead of making trigs only play when the button is held, it turns the trigs off.

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Yep, Elektron added it in the last big OS update :blush: And yes, fill conditions would be another solution. There’s a Not Fill condition, so certain trigs don’t play when in Fill mode.


Thanks! I’ll have to track down a USB cable. I’m still just getting going. This should be helpful.

Possible to combine them with Prob and 100%.
Ex : Kicks TRC 100%, Snares TRC /FILL, Rim shots TRC FILL, Hihats Prob…


I was programming a sound and I thought “I wish I could modulate the XY mix with an envelope.” I know it’s possible to use an LFO, but that’s not quite the same thing.
If someone mentioned this before I’m sorry, but I don’t have the time to go through 1558 posts to check.

Applicable to all Elektron devices: It would be great to have time settings for screen deactivation.
All the time when I leave my devices turned on, it keeps me worried due to OLED burn issues across the forum. Being able to set the time to 15-30-60 etc minutes would be really cool!