Digitone filter envelope ... what are the timings?

I’m having the darndest difficulties trying to align/sync the amp and filter envelope on the digitone. The values correspond to wildly different times! The amp envelope’s entire 0-110 range is just under one second. The filter is much much slower.

Has anyone seen a chart or graph for the filter envelope times specifically? I did manage to find one for the amp, but not the filter. Would be very helpful!

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Aren’t the filter ADR values tied to the metronome speed? If I set the attack phase to 32, that corresponds to a quarter note at whatever tempo I have set. When I get home tonight, I’ll check it.

I remember being disappointed that the newly added filter delay setting was NOT tied to tempo.

No, tempo has no effect on filter env timing. (just tested it to make sure)

Thanks for clarifying that. I may have been using the filter with a particular tempo setting and made that incorrect assumption.

Crap, you’re right. Why did I think the filter envelope was tied to tempo? Wishful thinking made me believe this was the case.

In my projects, I frequently make different speed versions of the same piece. For me, when filter changes are tied to tempo, they feed into the groove of the piece.

I don’t have experience with a lot of gear, so I don’t know if tying filter envelope to tempo is even a thing.

You mean like a looping envelope? Have you tried simulating it with a trigless lock?

Let me look into that. My implementation of the DN is still like Swiss Cheese, with major holes in it.

The modulation envs for A and B are, maybe thinking of those ?!

Here’s the great graph of the AMP envelope, I don’t remember who it’s from but even something like a list of values like on top of the graphs would be helpful.


I think the filter envelope has such a big effect on a sound that tying it to tempo (imo) might create more problems than it solves. Haven’t seen this type of functionality on any synth so far…

If you want to have temp synced envelope, I think setting an LFO (tied to tempo) to the envelope shape and making it a one-shot might get the job done.

I find it interesting that the envelopes on the filter and amp pages are scaled differently. It’s the kind of subtle design choices that elektron have hidden everywhere in their devices. Very rarely do the 0-127 values in the menu linearly map to the parameters they indicate.


Yeah, it’s all perceptual, no? I would imagine volume and frequency sweeps would not map very linearly either between themselves, so the best for musicality and responsiveness with encoders would be plotted.

… I just find it incredibly frustrating not being able to accurately sync any of the envelopes (including operator envs) because the documentation just isn’t there.
It’s definitely not trivial to try to sync them by ear!