First off, Wow!! The Digitone is just beautiful. Physically and sonically. Also, it’s much deeper than I expected. Even though it has less options than my Tx (Tx has more ratio freedom and more complex envelopes) I’m making the sounds I want quicker and easier.
I’m looking forward to some update “surprises“ that Elektron is famous for. I’ve noticed a few empty spaces in the UI. Let’s hope they aren’t just place holders
Anyway, I’m 99% sure the Tx has to go to a new home. Unless Elektron updates the Digitone to sequence Sysex. Now that would be something!!!
Yes, agreed. The Digitone sounds better and is more intuitive than I expected. I have enjoyed a new lease of creative energy since getting one in March…!
I sold a Volca FM, which although I thought sounded good but was limited.
The Digitone is my first Elektron item and , after a bit of getting to know it, I’ve been focusing on making music with it more than anything else. Such a delight to be able to move around with a portable box, arrange music, create sounds and save work without lots of cables!
I have both, and they’re different beasts indeed.
I’d take into account that you are now on the honeymoon with the DN.
I enjoy both and would never sell my TX.
I’m also expecting some surprise from Elektron
Good point. Part of the reason for selling is I financed the DN on a credit card. I have 0% interest for a year though so I might keep the Tx around for a bit to be sure.