Digitone is now shipping

The ARP issue is known and should be fixed in the coming days.


Some Midi freezes too like the Digitakt had/has. I will say you guys have done a great job on this though. Great sound just going through presets now but I’m really digging it so far:)

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Any day.

I had issues with 2 OT MK2s. The third one, which I received as a replacement from Elektron has a wobbly headphone level encoder and the display shield comes off in one corner. It‘s beyond me they would risk damage to the value of their brand by letting stuff like that happen.


I’d like to apply for a job in their quality control division. I’d be really good at it and would love to come and live in Sweden. If you are reading this Elektron just PM me.


That is crazy that youve had 3. its not like the OT MK2 is a cheap product! There is definitely a QC problem with Elektron… All those duplicate buttons, really amazing how many of those got through. Worrying

Their what?! :joy:


it’s right next door to their software testing department


Yeah sign me up too… I would get that shit locked down

Publishing a list of known issues would go a long way to manage people‘s expectations when (pre)ordering. I may sound a little bitter here, but selling half baked devices, however great their design may be, at premium prices doesn‘t seem like a sustainable business model to me. I certainly hope it isn‘t.


I observed that, too. Kind of odd, really, considering the previous statement that the lines and shadows are not a shortcoming of the DT‘s display, but perfectly normal. I think I need to step out for the night before I start spreading too much negativity here.

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FWIW I don’t think anything you’ve written comes across as particularly negative, all the posts are relaying factual issues in a very fair manner. I’m quite impressed that you’ve kept such a cool head even after receiving so many dud products - many people be absolutely raging right now and it would probably be justified.


Seems they really want the Digitone to feel familiar to Digitakt users.

I also find it pretty odd that Elektron releases a device to production that has a known issue for crashing every time arp is used?


I imagine they froze the codebase a few weeks ago to ship and will probably release a patch before most people have theirs. Not that it’s any excuse mind you.

It’s like a horror show in here today, two Digitones with issues and an Octatrack MKII. I’m on the West Coast (US) so I’m almost done with work and my new Digitone just arrived at home and I’m anxious to see if mine is okay.

I picture your drive home as Janet Leigh’s famous driving scene in psycho where she is on the Lam.
With Hermanns score…

That’s exactly how it will be

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If a cop pulls you over, fix your hair, and be cool.


I just know I’m gonna want to create some kind of briefcase setup with the DT, DN, and an Asturias keystep. Not sure how I’ll go about it yet.

I wrecked my car, left it burning in flames and ran the rest of the way home. So far everything is working on first startup and playback of the preset patterns. Maybe I’m a bit giddy but this thing sounds REALLY good! :heart_eyes: