Hi guys! my digitone is just arrived The first issue I noticed (don’t know if can be a bug) it’s the way the O.S. let you select a new synth patch when you want to load it up on a track. If double click on T1-T2-T3-T4 will appear a list of sounds (+drive or Pool) which it’s not starting from what is already saved on the actual track. Would seem absolutely logical to me that the first sound I should find, is the one saved on the selected track.
Do I miss something pretty obvious?
Any suggestions about it?
Thanks for the reply! I agree with you… I’m really surprised that none noticed this lack on a simple and usual worklow. For example on the digitakt you haven’t this problem, when you open the sound list to load up a new sample, you start from where you are obviously you can start scrolling the list from your saved sample!
A track can host a patch that is not saved as a Sound. The Sound browser shows you what you can load from the +Drive. It then loads in the settings of that Sound on the Track. They are separate entities, it’s not the same as loading a sample.
Thanks for the reply! So for you is simple and confortable to find the sound you have loaded on the track, by scrolling through 123 sounds? … or would it be simple and straightforward, to have it immediately as soon as you double click on the track?
Why do you need to find the same sound if you have it loaded on a track already?
If you press the Track button (e.g T1) you will see in the top section of the screen what the track sound is called (and again, this is a local copy of the patch on the +Drive, it is now unique to the track)
You can search for sounds in the browser as well, either by tags or name.
What seems illogical to you is absolutely expected in other synth or grooveboxes I own (included digitakt). If I have a particular sound on the track, seems absolutely logical that if I want to change that sound (edited copy, synth patch or not) I start from what I have. Then for example, if I have 5 pad sounds organized progressively on the list and I want to try to jump between one and the other, tell me why I have to be forced to waste time?
Thanks for your reply. So if I want to have 4 copy of the same patch with different variations , what’s the easiest way to recall them and jump across those sounds? … I have to save it all into a specific bank, double click on my track (T1-T2-T3-T4) exit from my actual patch (that is properly a copy of the same sound) hold down BANK button, jump to a bank 9-16, scroll to find the patch and finally load it up.
It’s correct?
If no one asked for it before, it is probably since it is a rare use case for this type of devices, Digitakt and Digitone.
It was pretty cumbersome to understand the KITs structure on the AR and A4, always forgetting to save things.
It was especially bad when you made your super-awesome-song, saved everything and then next day you picked the same KIT/Sounds to create a super-awesome-song-two, but you just needed to alter the filter on one of the synths/pads and saved that.
A few days later you went back to your first hit and it sounded awful since you where an idiot and saved the KIT and did not create a new KIT.
<---- END RANT
Then came Digitakt and Digitone and made that easier.
This is not true, because, since you named it, with the Digitakt if you want to change a sound the scrolling list starts from the sample you saved on the track… and not ‘randomly’ like on the digitone!
As soon as you load it from the +drive, it becomes a copy that is not linked.
So that’s why it’s not starting from there.
If you want to apply the same patch to all four tracks, just copy/paste it using T1+copy, T2+paste, etc. Right?
I can understand this if the track is loaded from + drive, but if the track is saved on my sound pool it should be linked to my track! On Digitakt and Octatrack it works like this.