Digitone Keys Aftertouch & Modwheel Internal Sequencing

Does anyone know if there’s going to be an update where you can internally sequence Aftertouch and modwheel live?


it’s not going to happen ever - those are performance controls, there are many other ways to sequence the parameters those controllers modulate

makes sense to me now, maybe doesn’t make sense to others, but imho it’s highly unlikely to ever change

sorry to steal that hope, but i just don’t see it happening - it’d take too long to explain the reasons why it probably won’t happen that way

that’s my guess, take it or leave it and keep the dream alive

welcome to the forum btw :thup:

submit a feature request if you still want to push for it


Thanks for the response!

Yeah that makes sense I didn’t think of it from that angle I guess aftertouch effects can still be programmable

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You can use MIDI tracks to sequence MW/AT of your main DN tracks - you need to connect MIDI out to in (loopback) and configure it properly (channels etc)


Ohhh nice ill have too give that a go

it’ll be steppy of course, so not like you play it by hand - plus I doubt (not that it matters as it’ll be captured steppy) that the pitchbend will be full resolution - so even if you programmed in MIDI PB it’ll be at 7bit resolution (not 14bit smooth) - it would still be unpleasant tagged to an LFO

seems like a lot of work (and MIDI compromises) when the net effect is changing parameters that can be individually locked directly

but in any case, if that’s a workflow which gets you creating quicker then run with it

there are so many lovely performance knobs on the DK - it’s begging to be performed and that’s the only way to create the smooth continuous expression - if you could sequence CV then you could use teh expression in port like a performance controller and assign similar parameters as MW etc - but again it’s not integrated

it’s a shame Elektron don’t have those parallel sequence lanes in fine resolution like Korg/Arturia - but that’s just one of the aspects of the workflow that wouldn’t work with the way the rest fits together - i guess it first appeared on an MD where it makes most sense for brief percussive sounds