Digitone Keys - Aftertouch not working. Tips?

It is only called MW/PB DST on mine, and set to INT :thinking:

Interesting, what version is installed? Need to check on my DNK

Well that’s definitely why it’s not being seen in your daw. Turn it to INT/EXT. Use a much more extreme value on the mod setup page, like all the way up, crank it.

OS 1.31, installed yesterday from Elektron’s download page. On startup, it says “D” on the bottom left. I don’t know why or if it is at all relevant, but at this point I point out everything haha.

I switched it to INT+EXT, turned it up to 127 on the SYN1 page of a MIDI track. Ableton Live still doesn’t see anything when the DNK keyboard is pressed harder.

Clarification: Live sees MIDI including velocity, but not Aftertouch, despite AT being set to 127 on the MIDI setup menu, on the SYN1 page of MIDI track 1.

How hard are you pressing? You really have to push down hard.

I am sorry, I have no more ideas, it is weird. I looked at my DNK and I also only have MW/PW in that menu so nothing wrong there (besides the menu saying otherwise :slight_smile: ) When I go into the sound setting the little meter is moving when I press down the keys.

Does PW and MW work?

Hard enough that I feel like pushing harder would make sure it’s broken :stuck_out_tongue:
Jokes aside, I feel like there is a second level after pressing all the way down. After pressing beyond that second level, it stops and “dings” a bit, it feels completely bottomed out.
This is how hard I press to check the values, and nothing changes, even by 1%

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Yes, both work fine. They can be set to modulate any parameter and operate as expected.

You don’t have to be sorry! I am super thankful some people are out there helping me investigate. At least I have learnt a ton about the MIDI settings haha.

I have opened a support ticket, hoping Elektron has some insight us mortals can’t. Worst case scenario is me returning the unit while walking slowly, in black and white, with violins playing in the background. It is B-stock but it is under warranty. I only risk a temporary heartbreak and having to deal with the impatience of waiting for a new one.


Maybe that little flat cable from the aftertouch sensor inside the synth came off during shipping… there is a calibration function in the menu but I can’t remember what it does

The calibration I tried is only for MW and PW. Test Mode (Holding Function then pressing Trig 1 when booting up) doesn’t seem to test the keybed or the modulation wheels, only every mechanical key and knob on the DNK.

Good luck!

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Thank you, I will be strong and face my fate.

Unplug all cables from the Control Inputs.
Do a soft reset.

New Project.

I tried that yesterday, also making sure to deactivate CV1 and not just merely unplugging my sustain pedal.

However, I did return the DNK to the store. It is now on its way to Göteborg and will hopefully return to me as good as new in a few weeks. This means I can’t test any more stuff now :S

They’ll sort it. :+1:

It’s tripped me up a few times having a cable plugged into one of the Control Inputs and trying to figure out why a certain parameter isn’t responding…

Although totally unrelated to your problem - dummy cables are great CV sources!

Best of luck. It’s a good thing the DNK.

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Thanks a lot for the tip! I can’t wait for it to come back to me. In fact, the idea of keeping a defective one crossed my mind just because of how much I wanted to keep it.

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They named it wrong. The digitone does not respond to aftertouch cc, but channel pressure cc. My mpc one sends aftertouch cc, no response on The digitone, My moog matriarch sends channel pressure and The aftertouch on The digitone reacts

Ooh, interesting. I get that, with MIDI note vel 0 and MIDI note off being distinct even though they do the same thing, there is a lot of confusing MIDI problems possible out there.

However, I can confirm that I did have a faulty unit and got it replaced. As it is a Digitone Keys, it should respond properly to the pressure signal, as the keyboard and synth are made for one another. So I don’t think it could have been a « wrong MIDI message is sent » type of thing.