Digitone Keys - Aftertouch not working. Tips?


I tried to find a topic about this but could not find anything, so here I go:

I sifted through the manual and I can’t find why my Digitone Keys won’t react to Aftertouch. I can parameter everything through the Sound Setup menu, but the gauge on the left stays at zero, no matter how hard I press on the keys.

Is there a setting somewhere that I could have missed? Or is it broken? (I just bought it, it’s B-stock).

I hope anyone can help :S

Have a nice day!

You can test aftertouch midi output with a midi monitor plugged to midi out or USB.

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I don’t have it in front of me right now but can you not configure aftertouch etc in the MIDI menu and if it is ext/int or both? If you try it via MIDI you can try the external MIDI mode with MIDI monitor like @sezare56 mentioned…

Well, I think it is time to cry.
Thanks a lot for the smart idea though, I didn’t think of this.


Really doubt your aftertouch is broken. Have you activated the aftertouch on one of the MIDI tracks? You won’t see any data otherwise. It’s in the manual. You need to hold FUNC and then press in on the F knob to activate it.

I don’t use MIDI tracks. In fact, I have factory reset my DK, just to be sure.
Still, I checked SYN1 on my MIDI tracks and get this (on all 4 midi tracks).

Am I misunderstanding, isn’t that Expression Control plug you have in your above post a MIDI monitor to see if any aftertouch data is coming from the DNK?

It is. Is it not what I should be using?

It is, but what I’m saying is that if the Digiton Keys Syn1 MIDI page isn’t set to send MIDI, you won’t see the aftertouch data in your daw. You need to activate at least CHAN and AT, then monitor on that channel.

With CHAN set to 1 and AT set to 65, Live receives midi data on MIDI Channel 1, but just like on my screenshot above, Aftertouch is still at 0 and is not received in Live.

So what happens when you turn that knob and watch the midi monitor? It should show exactly the value as in the DN. Ableton has a MIDI Monitor in the M4L presets…

This value does change, and mirrors the DN value.Capture d’écran 2021-11-04 à 22.02.10

So what exactly are you trying to do? Control the DN keys FROM Ableton or control Ableton from your keyboard and what does not work? I am confused :thinking:

I am trying to use Aftertouch internally through the Digitone Keys’ keyboard. The MIDI stuff was for testing that the instrument does send Aftertouch.
My understanding is that the tests above confirm the DNK sends Aftertouch, but I can’t get the keys to generate that message, either to external MIDI, nor to the internal synth engine.

And in the MIDI port settings Aftertouch is set to INT/EXT/BOTH)? And then you go into the Sound menu und select some parameters for aftertouch?

from Manual:

Opens a menu where you can assign up to four PARAMETER page parameters to the [KEYBOARD] aftertouch or aftertouch from incoming MIDI data. Press [YES] to open the menu. Selecting parameters and setting modulation depth works in the same way as for PITCH BEND."

Post a photo of the aftertouch config page in the Sound Setup menu.

Keyboard DST was set to INT. I did not find any specific setting for Aftertouch in the MIDI ports menu. Switching to INT + EXT did not change anything either internally (DN itself) or externally (in Ableton Live).

It is called MW/PB/AT DEST

Here it is. I chose parameters that can be heard clearly.
Pressing the keys harder when holding a note does not change the timbre, nor does it make the gauge on the left go up. Turning the level knob on this page makes the gauge go up and affects the assigned parameters (Algo, Mix and Fdbk here, the difference can be heard). It is just pressing the keys harder that does not trigger the expected modulation.

In the Port Config menu in settings, is your aftertouch set to INT, EXT, or both? Also when testing I’d probably use more extreme values just so it’s easy to hear.