Digitone keys aftertouch on midi track


Is the aftertouch of the keyboard only for the internal synth ? Or there is some options to make it work with external gear ?

I don’t manage to use when I control other synth with the keyboard.

Thanks for your help.

My understanding is that the MIDI Channels can only transmit AT with the AT knob in the menu. Same goes for recording AT. If you want to play external gear with aftertouch you can use the external MIDI mode. That transmits aftertouch and MOD/Pitch wheel etc.

Thank you very much for your contribution.

Yes, the external MIDI mode transmits PB/MD, but no aftertouch.

But I’m probably missing something, there is hardware aftertouch and it’s a midi controller (with external midi mode and 4 midi tracks) ?

I know you can’t record AT, but this is a different matter (midi controller with aftertouch -> controlling external synth with aftertouch), so I think this is not related.

Still wandering if it’s just impossible or if I’m missing something.

I’m sorry, I don’t why I’ve missed it yesterday, but you’re right, it works in external midi mode.

I think it’s a bit a pity, because we have to configure per project the external midi channel, and we loose the ergonomy of having 4 midi tracks from which we can switch from one to the other with different midi configuration per pattern.

I don’t understand why it should not work in normal midi mode.

Many thanks anyway for your help.

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